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Student Feedback Survey


  • Student feedback surveys can inform educators of students’ perspectives on their classroom and school-based experiences.


  • The first student feedback survey (schoolwide version) aims to inform educators and administrators of the student perspective by evaluating their school-based experiences.
  • The survey may be used as a reflection tool for administrators, teachers, and staff members to comprehend their strengths and shortcomings with regards to schoolwide practices.
  • The second student feedback survey (classroom version) allows students the opportunity to voice their opinions surrounding the best practices and items of improvement for a specific course.
  • As a result, teachers are able to better understand their strengths and weaknesses from the student perspective, and strategize solutions to remedy shortcomings for the next course.


  • It is suggested that the schoolwide student feedback survey be distributed annually, while the classroom student feedback survey be distributed during the final week of a course.
  • The survey is appropriate for 9th-12th grade and should take students no more than 15 minutes to complete.


  • The student feedback surveys may be administered in either paper format or online based on the school’s discretion.
  • Once completed, responses to the schoolwide survey may be used to inform administrators of their students’ experiences and shed light on practices which are done well and/or may be in need of additional improvement.
  • On the other hand, responses to the classroom survey may allow teachers to review their strengths and weaknesses from the student perspective and prompt them to adjust their classroom practices accordingly.

Download the Student Feedback Survey (Schoolwide Version) here: Student Feedback Survey Schoolwide Version (pdf); Student Feedback Survey Schoolwide Version (doc)

Download the Student Feedback Survey (Classroom Version) here: Student Feedback Survey Classroom Version (pdf); Student Feedback Survey Classroom Version (doc) 

adam-jang-8pOTAtyd_Mc-unsplashConnections to Other Components

  • These student feedback surveys may be used in conjunction with the data gathered from rapid check-ins with students to determine whether their responses are reflected in students’ academic and social-emotional outcomes.
  • They may also be used to provide a holistic interpretation of students’ needs and opinions, as well as supplement discussions during educator team meetings.
  • Furthermore, these student surveys may additionally be used to facilitate a culture of personalization by prioritizing the voices of students.


  • Student Feedback Survey (Schoolwide Version)
  • Student Feedback Survey (Classroom Version)

Download full document here: Student-Feedback-Surveys (pdf); Student-Feedback-Surveys (doc)