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Research Scholar Grants

A Culture of Litigation: Arguing Daily Life
Written by Mark Schoenfield, Professor of English In Samuel Foote’s 1770 The Lame Lover, a neophyte attorney explains that “a great lawyer’s business is always to make the choice of the wrong,” since “a good cause can speak for itself, whilst a bad one demands an able counsellor to give it a colour.” Aided by a Vanderbilt…
Posted by anderc8 on April 18, 2018 in News, Research Scholar Grants

Living Stone Beings from Tiwanaku, Bolivia, in Europe
Written by John Janusek, Associate Professor of Anthropology The origins and ecologies of cities are central to my anthropological research, and I have conducted research in the South American Andes for more than three decades. Each year, I investigate a different aspect of the ongoing crystallization of cities in this challenging Precolumbian world. The focus…
Posted by anderc8 on November 16, 2017 in News, Research Scholar Grants

LGBT Rights and Health on the African Continent
Written by Tara McKay, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Health and Society During the 1990s and 2000s, homosexuality and LGBT rights became highly politicized in some African countries. Much of my research has focused on why this has happened and the consequences of increased politicized homophobia and violence for LGBT activists on the continent. For the…
Posted by anderc8 on October 26, 2017 in News, Research Scholar Grants

Did they practice what they preached? The “father of bioethics” tells all
Written by Laura Stark, Associate Professor at the Center for Medicine, Health and Society Dr. Henry K. Beecher was a powerbroker of the American medical establishment in the decades after World War II. He was the head of anesthesiology at Harvard and well-connected at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), but Beecher is perhaps…
Posted by anderc8 on August 21, 2017 in News, Research Scholar Grants

Do You See What I See? An Underrepresentation of Musicians of Color
Written by Erin Charles Perez, Ed.D., Lecturer in Musical Arts Teacher Education Program, Blair School of Music A peculiarity exists within music education programs that contradicts the very essence of our American heritage: a lack of diversity. America is known as the “melting pot,” a nation influenced by regions from around the world resulting in…
Posted by anderc8 on April 6, 2017 in News, Research Scholar Grants

Resolve to Use Games in the Classroom in 2017
Written by Melanie Forehand, Vanderbilt University Graduate Student Lynn Ramey received a Research Scholar Grant of $10,500 to organize a colloquium with Todd Hughes (Center for Second Language Studies) and David Neville (Grinnell College) about creating or modifying immersive environments using video game engines. Participants were invited from both academia and the video game industry…
Posted by anderc8 on January 30, 2017 in News, Research Scholar Grants

Ancient Maya Agriculture at Tamarindito, Guatemala
Using Research Scholar Grant funding, Anthropology professor Markus Eberl studied economic wealth and sociopolitical power codevelop over time at the ancient Maya capital of Tamarindito. Ancient Maya subsistence rested on maize, beans and squash that were raised in a mixture of extensive and intensive techniques. Focusing on terraces, Prof. Eberl initiated an archaeological project at the site…
Posted by anderc8 on November 15, 2016 in News, Research Scholar Grants
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