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Course Blog – Cultural Engagement and Exploration (2017)

Beach or Business Place?

https://vanderbilt.box.com/s/xfptf9u2coi9ghtpo58ukw732u9l3gd2 Today, May 15th around 5 o’clock, I went to the beach to observe the interactions at the beach. Something that really stands out here in Cefalù that does not happen at the beaches at home in San Diego are the vendors that consistently bombard you with their products. Sitting on the steps, I watched...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Women at the Piazza Duomo

This Monday morning, at 9:45 A.M., I arrived at the small café situated in Piazza Duomo ready to observe the Italians and tourists during the relatively early morning hours of Cefalú.  As I sat down, I immediately noticed that I was the only young adult in the entire piazza.  Around me were several groups of...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Children in Piazza Duomo

Observational Blog 1 Music and bright lights filled the air of Cefalu as the nightlife got under way. Sitting in the Duomo Piazza late Sunday night, I watched as crowds of people passed by, greeting family and friends as well as checking out the restaurants and stores. There was a clear difference in clothes, verbal...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Observing Daily Sicilian Interaction

I decided to observe how the older citizens of Cefalù greet each other on a daily basis as they pass each other on the street; to acquire the most variety in social interaction, I didn’t stay in one spot but casually walked around after playing some soccer on the beach. Most of the younger people...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

A Calm Evening at Piazza Duomo

As I sit on a bench in Piazza Duomo, I look around the town square, taking in the local people, shops and enjoying the beautiful weather. I choose to observe Piazza Duomo at 5:30 on a Monday, to get further insight into the culture and daily life here in Sicily. As I am increasingly interested...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Afternoon at the beach

One of the my favorite places in world is the beach. Whenever I get the chance I try and go, and this habit has been sustained since I arrived in Cefalu. Today I went to the beach later in the afternoon and got to watch the different ways in which people interacted. One of the...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

The Pace of Sicilian Life

Looking from my apartment’s balcony over the Via Carlo Ortolani di Bordonaro in the early evening, one can see pedestrians below. It’s not necessarily an hour of peak traffic, but the people on the street reveal some interesting aspects of Sicilian culture. Down below, there’s a mix of individuals, couples, and larger groups of about four...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Observances at Piazza del Duomo

I sat on the steps of the Duomo watching tourists and locals cross through and interact in the Piazza. I was there from 5:30-6pm. At the most visual and basic level, most people wore pants and shirts, a few women were in maxi skirts or maybe a dress. The younger people and some men were...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

An Afternoon at Duomo

This afternoon, I sat on the steps of the church at Duomo and observed from about 5-5:30 pm. Duomo is a piazza with different restaurants and cafes and a large church that attracts many tourists. While people do not dress up do go to Duomo, the people of Cefalú seem to dress nicer on a...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

The Washing Machine: Another Lesson in Italian

After my failed attempt to hand wash my clothes last week, I finally decided to plug in our rusty washing machine and give it a try. Based on what I’d heard from the girls who have used their washing machine before, I knew that it would use a lot of electricity, I unplugged everything from...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Observations on the Beach: Vendors

Living in Cefalu, it is almost impossible not to spend a substantial amount of time on the beach.  Most people like to sunbathe and read in the sand, while I prefer to make sandcastles and take a dip in the cool seawater.  However, with so much time and beach (that has extremely soft and warm...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Observing an Italian Monday Morning

I decided to observe Piazza Garibaldi from about 9:35am to 10:20am on a Monday morning. I was curious to see what the that start of the week looked like from one of the central spots in town. So, I grabbed breakfast and began watching. This photo is the breakfast I got. Not 100% relevant to...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

The One With the Beach

Date: Monday May 15, 2017. Time: 12 P.M. Place: Cefalù. (Watch the couples I write about here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPH4lTgZRNw) After our long day at Piazza Armerina and Agrigento yesterday I needed a relaxing afternoon on the beach. Around noon I headed out with my textbook, Hemingway short stories, water, a sandwich, and notebook paper to read and observe...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Observation Post: Il Duomo

On Saturday night I observed mass in Il Duomo. Going to mass in such a massive and historic church was a surreal experience. I observe Greek Orthodox at home, but I have been to Catholic church before. The mass itself was similar in Italy and the United States, but the setting and the people made...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

The Alimentari Shop

The place of my observation is a little alimentari shop on Corso Ruggero. Outside the shops, tourists and locals alike enter and leave stores. An elderly man leans on a wall, scratching his head and watching the crowds. Meanwhile, inside the shop there are two workers: a woman and a man. The man works behind...... KEEP READING

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post