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Advanced Robotics and Mechanism Applications (ARMA)
Posted by anderc8 on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 in News, TIPs 2015.
Written by Nabil Simaan, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Otolaryngology
Advanced Robotics and Mechanism Applications (ARMA) is focused on advanced robotics research, including robotics, mechanism design, control and telemanipulation for medical applications. We focus on enabling technologies that necessitate novel design solutions that require contributions in design modeling and control. ARMA has led the way in advancing several robotics technologies for medical applications, including high dexterity, snake-like robots for surgery, steerable electrode arrays for cochlear implant surgery, robotics for single port access surgery and natural orifice surgery.

Vanderbilt University Associate Professor Nabil Simaan, Mechanical Engineering
Current and previously funded research includes transurethral bladder cancer resection (NIH), trans-oral, minimally invasive surgery of the upper airways (NIH), single port access surgery (NIH), technologies for robot surgical situational awareness (National Robotics Initiative), Micro-vascular surgery and micro surgery of the retina (VU Discovery Grant) and Robotics for cochlear implant surgery (Cochlear Corporation). We collaborate closely with industry on the translation of our research. Examples include technologies for snake robots licensed to Intuitive Surgical, technologies for micro-surgery of the retina which lead to the formation of AURIS surgical robotics, Inc., the IREP single port surgery robot that has been licensed to Titan Medical Inc., and serves as the research prototype behind the Titan Medial Inc. SPORT (Single Port Orifice Robotic Technology).
View a video of the A.R.M.A. lab:
Learn more about the A.R.M.A. lab by clicking HERE.
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