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VISE Project Vault

Posted by on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 in News, TIPs 2015.

Ahmet Cakir

Ahmet Cakir, PhD candidate in Department of EECS

Written by Ahmet Cakir, PhD candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

In the Medical Image Processing (MIP) lab, two main research areas we work on are related to Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Cochlear Implants (CIs). Some of the projects include DBS assistance, assessing the impact of several factors on CI hearing outcomes, minimally invasive image-guided CI surgery and image-guided CI programming (IGCIP).

The project I am currently working on is within the scope of the IGCIP project where the goal is to use patient CT images to determine objective cues that might help indicate what CI setting changes will lead to better hearing performance for the CI users. I’m working on creating mathematical and patient-specific models of electrical stimulation and neural activation that is caused by CI electrodes. We believe that such patient-specific and physics-based models will be useful not only in determining CI settings that will lead to better hearing outcomes, but also in better understanding the impact of electrode placement as well as neural survival on the effectiveness of CIs.

Click on the video below for more information on our project.

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