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The Goldfarb Lab


We are among the premier wearable robotics design/make/test labs in the world. We don’t spend time on our website because we prefer to make and test things that improve mobility, functionality, and/or quality of life for people with physical disabilities. Nonetheless, we have posted on this website:

1) a brief overview of our lab (on this page);

2) descriptions of various projects (see menu above and right); and

3) a link to a listing of Goldfarb lab papers (see “Papers” section below).

Craig powered knee and ankle
Vanderbilt Powered Knee and Ankle Prosthesis

The core competency of our lab is in the design and control of mechatronic or robotic systems that interact physically in a coordinated and symbiotic way with people. Our mission is to apply this core competency to develop assistive devices to improve the quality of life for people with physical disabilities. Students in the lab obtain considerable exposure to and expertise in state-of-the-art mechatronic device design; methods of mechatronic device control, with a focus on methods that promote safe and coordinated physical interaction with people; design of microprocessor-based control systems, including methods of sensor fusion, signal conditioning, and brushless motor control; the biomechanics of human movement, and locomotion in particular; and methods of human subject testing and analysis.

Our research is highly cited and has been recognized by a number of best paper awards. Publication of papers is one way we hope influence the direction of research in our field, and in doing so hope to improve quality of life for people with physical disabilities. Another important objective of the lab is to commercially translate our research, specifically in cases when our research demonstrates that it can improve quality of life for people with physical disabilities. We have licensed a number of patents to commercial partners for translation, including those associated with the Indego lower limb exoskeleton line of products (one of which is shown below).

Image courtesy of the Associated Press


You can find a list of our papers in reverse chronological order (best way to see most recent publications), or in descending order of citations (a measure of impact, albeit an imperfect one), both courtesy of Google Scholar.

The Goldfarb Lab operates within Vanderbilt’s CREATE (Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology).