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Demonstration of nanophotonic IR emitting metamaterials for gas sensing!

Jan. 14, 2021—Congratulations to our former VINSE REU student Alyssa Livingood and a senior graduate student in IMS Ryan Nolen for leading the charge in demonstrating the use of cadmium oxide films for a narrowband, normal incidence nanophotonic IR emitting metamaterial (NIREM). Through a collaboration with Third Floor Materials, it was demonstrated that the radiation pattern could...

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See our work with the Abate group on the IR response of Mica

Jan. 14, 2021—Check out our recent collaborative work with Yohannes Abate’s group at the University of Georgia looking at the near-field IR response of mica.

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Collaborative work demonstrating ultrastrong coupling in the mid-infrared published in Nature Photonics!

Dec. 9, 2020—Check out the recent publication in Nature Photonics highlighting ultrastrong coupling between vibrational modes and plasmon polaritons. Achieved with an optical analog of a coaxial cable, this was achieved by funneling infrared light with a wavelength almost 3000 times larger than the 3-nm wide SiO2 apertures. Also see the highlight of this work from Vanderbilt.

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Check out our collaborative work in Nature Comms

Nov. 16, 2020—Our collaborative work with Koray Aydin using the inherent anisotropy of MoO3 for polarization conversion was just published in Nature Communications! Check it out!

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New collaborative work w/ Hopkins group

Nov. 16, 2020—Our collaborative work with the Hopkins group demonstrating ballistic thermal injection at metal-semiconductor interfaces was just published in Nature Nanotechnology! Congrats to Ryan Nolen for his efforts and to John Tomko for leading the charge! Also, check out the News & Views Feature highlighting this work!

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Goodbye to Prof. Thomas Folland!

Aug. 20, 2020—It is a bittersweet day for the lab, but we have now officially said goodbye to our postdoc extraordinaire Tom Folland. Tom started at Vanderbilt a month before me, working to setup the lab and get things in order. This is what he arrived to see on his first day! During his time the group...

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Guanyu’s work on Waste Heat Driven IR Emitters Highlighted in VINSE Podcast!

Aug. 20, 2020—Give a listen to the Alice Leach of VINSE interview of Guanyu Lu discussing his recent paper on driving infrared thermal emitters as narrowband optical sources using waste-heat from CPUs and other sources. Congrats Guanyu!

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Check our new work with Sang-Hyun Oh’s Group on Image Polaritons!

Jul. 21, 2020—With our team led by graduate student Mingze He, our collaborative work with Sang-Hyun Oh’s group and Tony Low’s group at the University of Minnesota was just published in Nature Communications!

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Check out Tom’s VINSE Podcasts

Jun. 22, 2020—Check out Tom talking about our work published in ACS photonics with Alice Leach of VINSE here

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See Guanyu’s paper highlighted on the cover of ACS Omega!

May. 26, 2020—The conceptual view illustrates the potential of driving one of the NIREM devices (nanophotonic infrared emitting metamaterial) via scavenging waste heat from a CPU heat sink. Within the work, we demonstrated that one could emit >10 mW of power at the narrow-band emission of a SiC nanostructure simply using the waste heat at 85C!

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