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Tutorial Published in the Journal of Applied Physics

May. 21, 2019—Check out our new tutorial, co-authored with Prof. Dan Wasserman at UT Austin. We discuss the physics and measurement of infrared polaritons, comprehensively reviewed for the first time!

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Nanovation with Prof. Michael Filler

Apr. 15, 2019—Had the opportunity to be interviewed by Prof. Mike Filler from Georgia Tech for his podcast Nanovation. He has interviewed some awesome folks. Honored he included me! Thanks Mike! Really enjoyed the opportunity!

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Tom Folland receives Honorable Mention for Vanderbilt Postdoc of the Year!

Apr. 15, 2019—Dr. Tom Folland was awarded an Honorable Mention in this year’s Vanderbilt Postdoc of the Year Award.  Given annually to one winner, Tom was one of only three postdocs recognized University wide, with his exceptional abilities as a researcher, mentor, instructor and grant writer being honored.  A big congrats to Tom for this outstanding achievement!

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Check out our most recent publication!

Apr. 15, 2019—In this work, we demonstrated the potential for overcoming the polarization selection rules that limit direct electrical excitation of phonon polaritons by using hybridized, zone-folded longitudinal optic phonons with transverse polarized localized surface phonon polaritons.  

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Congrats on Publication of Tunable Strong Polariton Coupling in Nano Letters

Jan. 1, 2019—Our work on polaritonic strong coupling within cadmium oxide bilayers was just published in Nano Letters!  Congrats to Evan, Kyle, Tom, Ryan, Nader and Jon-Paul!  

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SiC Workshop Attended by Josh and Ryan

Dec. 29, 2018—Both Josh and Ryan attended and presented at the recent Silicon Carbide Materials & Devices Workshop at the Air Force Research Lab.  Josh presented an invited talk on implications for SiC for advanced infrared optics and nanophotonics, while Ryan presented a poster highlighting recent results from a collaboration with Greg Walker’s group (Vanderbilt) on harnessing waste...

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New class of anisotropic material discovered

Nov. 20, 2018—Check out Tom’s and Joshes News and Views covering the applications and implications of the recent work by Ma et. al. on Molybdenum trioxide – a new class of natural hyperbolic material

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Our work using plasmonic band structure to understand polaritons in metamaterials was just published!

Oct. 29, 2018—Our work using plasmonic band structure to understand polariton hybridization in metamaterials was just published in Optics Express! Check it out here!

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Refraction of Hyperbolic Polaritons using Phase Change Materials

Oct. 26, 2018—We are delighted to say that our work on controlling hyperbolic polaritons in hBN using the phase change material VO2 has been published in Nature Comms! Also – Check out Tom and Josh’s News and Views published in nature this week!  

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Our work probing hyperbolic polaritons using infrared attenuated total reflectance was just published in MRS Communications!

Oct. 2, 2018—We’re very excited to have published our work using the attenuated total reflectance technique to probe the hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride. This technique is a great new tool in exploring a host of 2D materials! Check it out here.

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