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Our work chosen as an one of the Top Advances in Engineering!

Aug. 29, 2018—Poking at phonon-polaritons at the nanoscale  

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Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics

Jul. 22, 2018—Tom, Joseph, and Ryan attended and presented posters at the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Plasmonics and Nanophotonics in Newry, ME! Tom discussed his recent work on reconfigurable hyperbolic mid-infrared metasurfaces, Joseph presented on the identification of dark hyperbolic modes in hexagonal boron nitride nanostructures with the photothermal induced resonance technique (which was work...

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Congrats to Jack on an Excellent Summer SSMV research term!

Jul. 11, 2018—Jack Allen, a rising senior at MLK High School in Nashville, has been working with our group as part of the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt (SSMV).  His work focused on measuring angle dependent, infrared reflection spectra from bulk crystals of transition metal dichalcogenides and extracting the corresponding IR dielectric functions.  It has...

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Check out our new publication in the design of graphene plasmon resonant cavities!

Jul. 11, 2018—Congrats to my coauthors, Xiaofei and Xiaofeng for this new work on the “Theoretical Analysis of Graphene Plasmon Cavities” that was published in Applied Materials Today! Thanks to Vincenzo Giannini and Stefan Maier for including me in this work!

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New Publication on Strong Coupling in Phonon-Polariton systems

Jun. 19, 2018—Congratulations to Nikolai for his publication ‘Strong Coupling of Epsilon-Near-Zero Phonon Polaritons in Polar Dielectric Heterostructures’ in Nano letters. We show that the epsilon near zero mode in a thin film of aluminium nitride strongly couples to a phonon polariton in Silicon Carbide. This work features simulations and analysis by Tom.    

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Jun. 13, 2018—The Caldwell Lab recently received a new FTIR! Currently, the lab is working to make the FTIR fully operational. Joseph, Tom, and Jack smiling next to and examining the new FTIR.

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Combined group outing!

May. 16, 2018—Had a wonderful day on the Harpeth river with the Valentine group. Really enjoyed the lazy morning off and great to get the groups together outside of the lab and conference rooms!  Some pictures are below: Just starting out!  The Valentine and Caldwell groups ready to go! From left to right: Claire Marvinney (Haglund group,...

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Congrats to Rodrigo and Chris on an excellent publication

May. 16, 2018—Our paper on the sensitivity of surface phonon polaritons to chemical changes to the surface was recently published in ACS Photonics!  This included atomically thin oxide layers using atomic-layer deposition on SiC nanopillars and demonstrated anomalous spectral shifts occurring with ultra-thin oxide deposition! Give it a read here.

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Talks at the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting!

Apr. 16, 2018—The group all attended the Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society in Phoenix, AZ.  Ryan discussed his work in epsilon-near-zero – surface plasmon polariton hybridization using cadmium oxide bilayers, Joseph discussed his efforts in photothermal induced resonance (PTIR) measurements of hexagonal boron nitride nanostructures (recently published in Nano Letters).  Tom had a super busy...

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Our work on PTIR spectra from hexagonal boron nitride was just published in Nano Letters!

Feb. 21, 2018—

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