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2003 – 2009


Y. Chen, X.-R. Huang, N. Zhang, M. Dudley, J.D. Caldwell, K.X. Liu and R.E. Stahlbush, “Synchrotron X-Ray Topographic Studies of Recombination Activated Shockley Partial Dislocations in 4H-Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Layers”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 600-603, 357 (2009).

K.X. Liu, X. Zhang, R.E. Stahlbush, M. Skowronski and J.D. Caldwell, “Differences in Emission Spectra of Dislocations in 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 600-603, 345 (2009).

L. Mazeina, Y.N. Picard, J.D. Caldwell, E.R. Glaser and S.M. Prokes, “Synthesis and properties of vertically-aligned SnO2 nanowires”, J. Cryst. Growth, 311, 3158 (2009).

Y.N. Picard, M.E. Twigg, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Eddy Jr., M.A. Mastro, R.L. Henry, R.T. Holm, P.G. Neudeck, A.J. Trunek and J.A. Powell, “Resolving the Burgers vector for individual GaN dislocations by electron channeling contrast imaging”, Scripta Materialia, 61, 773 (2009).

P.B. Klein, J.D. Caldwell, A. Shrivastava and T.S. Sudarshan, “Variations in the Measured Carrier Lifetimes of n- 4H-SiC Epilayers”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 600-603, 489 (2009).

R.L. Myers-Ward, K.K. Lew, B.L. VanMil, R.E. Stahlbush, K. Liu, J.D. Caldwell, P.B. Klein, P. Wu, M. Fatemi, C.R. Eddy Jr. and D.K. Gaskill, “Impact of 4H-SiC substrate defectivity on epilayer injected carrier lifetimes”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 600-603, 481 (2009).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, O.J. Glembocki, K.D. Hobart, K.X. Liu and M.J. Tadjer, “Temperature Dependence of Shockley Stacking Fault Expansion and Contraction in 4H-SiC p-i-n Diodes” Mat. Sci. Forum, 600-603, 273 (2009).

E.R. Glaser, N.Y. Garces, J.D. Caldwell, W.E. Carlos, M.E. Zvanut, B. Magnusson, D.M. Hansen, G. Chung and M.J. Loboda, “Infrared PL Signatures on n-type Bulk SiC Substrates with Nitrogen Impurity Concentration Between 1016 and 1017 cm-3”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 600-603, 449 (2009).

O.J. Glembocki, J.D. Caldwell, J.A. Mittereder, J.P. Calame and S.C. Binari, “Measurement of local temperatures using u-Raman of SiC and AlGaN-GaN/SiC power and RF devices”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 600-603, 1111 (2009).

V. Veliadis, H. Hearne, J. Caldwell, M. Snook, T. McNutt, P. Potyraj and C. Scozzie, “Effect of bipolar gate-to-drain current on the electrical properties of vertical junction field effect transistors”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 615-617, 719 (2009).

A. Shrivastava, P.B. Klein, E.R. Glaser, J.D. Caldwell, A.V. Bolotnikov and T.S. Sudarshan, “Long carrier lifetime in 4H-SiC epilayers using Chlorinated precursors”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 615-617, 291 (2009).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, E.A. Imhoff, K.D. Hobart, M.J. Tadjer, Q. Zhang, M. Das and A. Agarwal, “Recombination-induced stacking fault degradation in 4H-SiC Merged-PiN-Schottky diodes”, J. Appl. Phys., 106, 044504 (2009).


M.A. Mastro, J.D. Caldwell, R.T. Holm, R.L. Henry and C. Eddy Jr., “Design of Gallium Nitride Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diodes on Si Substrates”, Adv. Mater., 20, 115 (2008).

J.D. Caldwell, O.J. Glembocki, R.E. Stahlbush and K.D. Hobart, “Influence of temperature on Shockley stacking fault expansion and contraction in SiC PiN diodes”, J. Electron. Mat. 37, 699 (2008).

Y.N. Picard, M.E. Twigg, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Eddy Jr., P.G. Neudeck, A..J. Trunek and J.A. Powell, “Epitaxial SiC growth morphology and extended defects investigated by electron backscatter diffraction and electron channeling contrast imaging”, J. Electron. Mat. 37, 691 (2008).

Y. Chen, N. Zhang, M. Dudley, J.D. Caldwell, K.X. Liu, R.E. Stahlbush, X.R. Huang, A.T. Macrander and D.R. Black, “Investigation of electron-hole recombination-activated partial dislocations and their behavior in 4H-SiC epitaxial layers” J. Electron. Mat. 37, 706 (2008).

M.A. Mastro, J. Caldwell, M. Twigg, B. Simpkins, O. Glembocki, R.T. Holm, C.R. Eddy Jr., F. Kub, H-Y. Kim, J. Ahn and J. Kim “Group III-Nitride Radial Heterojunction Nanowire Light Emitters” J. Ceramic Proc. Res. 9(6), 584 (2008).

M.C. Fletcher, A. Vivoni, M.M. Moore, J. Lui, J. Caldwell, S.M. Prokes, O. Glembocki, C.M. Hosten, “NIR-FT-SERS of 4”-trimethylsilylethlysulfanyl-4-4’-di-(phenyleneethynylene)benzenethiol on Au nanospheres”, Surf. Sci., 602 (9), 1614 (2008).

A. Shrivastava, P. Muzykov, J.D. Caldwell and T.S. Sudarshan, “Study of Triangular Defects and Inverted Pyramids in 4H-SiC 4deg off cut (0001) Si Face Epilayers”, J. Cryst. Growth, 310, 4443 (2008).

M. A. Mastro, C.S. Kim, M. Kim, J. Caldwell, R.T. Holm, I. Vurgaftman, J. Kim, C.R. Eddy Jr. J.R. Meyer, “Zinc Sulphide Overlayer Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal for Enhanced Extraction of Light from a Micro Cavity Light Emitting Diode”, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 47, 7827 (2008).


J.D. Caldwell, K.X. Liu, M. Tadjer, O.J. Glembocki, R.E. Stahlbush, K.D. Hobart and F. Kub, “Thermal Annealing and Propagation of Shockley Stacking Faults in 4H-SiC PiN Diodes”, J. Electron. Mat., 36(4), 318 (2007).

K.X. Liu, R.E. Stahlbush, J.D. Caldwell, K.D. Hobart, F.J. Kub and E.R. Glaser, “Photo- and electroluminescence imaging of carrot defects in 4H-SiC epitaxy”, J. Electron. Mat., 36(4), 297 (2007).

M.A. Mastro, J.A. Freitas, R.T. Holm, C.R. Eddy Jr., J. Caldwell, K. Liu, O. Glembocki, R.L. Henry and J. Kim, “Rare-earth Chloride Seeded growth of GaN nano- and micro-crystals”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 253, 6157 (2007).

A. Rosenberg, K. Bussmann, Mijin Kim, Michael W. Carter, M.A. Mastro, R.T. Holm, R.L. Henry, J.D. Caldwell and C.R. Eddy, Jr., “Fabrication of GaN photonic crystal membranes and resonant nanocavities on Si(111)”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 25, 721 (2007).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, K.D. Hobart, O.J. Glembocki and K.X. Liu, “Reversal of Forward Voltage Drift in 4H-SiC PiN Diodes via Low Temperature Annealing”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 143519 (2007).

J.D. Caldwell, O.J. Glembocki, D. Hansen, G. Chung, A.V. Bolotnikov and T. Sudarshan, “Free Carrier Distribution in 4H-SiC substrates via Optical Scanner Imaging”, J. Appl. Phys., 101, 093506 (2007).

K.X. Liu, R.E. Stahlbush, S.I. Maximenko and J.D. Caldwell, “Differences in emission spectra of Si- and C-core partial dislocations”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 153503 (2007).

Y.N. Picard, M.E. Twigg, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Eddy Jr., P.G. Neudeck, A.J. Trunek, J.A. Powell, “Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging of Atomic Steps and Threading Dislocations in 4H-SiC”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 234101 (2007).

M.A. Mastro, J.A. Freitas Jr., O.J. Glembocki, C.R. Eddy Jr, R.T. Holm, R.L. Henry, J.D. Caldwell, R.W. Rendell, F. Kub and J. Kim, “Plasmonically enhanced emission from a group-III nitride nanowire emitter”, Nanotech. 18, 265401 (2007).

M.J. Tadjer, K.D. Hobart, J.D. Caldwell, J.E. Butler, K.X. Liu, C.R. Eddy Jr., D.K. Gaskill, K.K. Lew, B.L. Van Mil, M.G. Ancona, F.J. Kub, “Nanocrystalline Diamond Films as UV-Semi-Transparent Schottky Contacts to 4H-SiC”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 163508 (2007).

Y.N. Picard, M.E. Twigg, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Eddy, Jr., M.A. Mastro, R.L. Henry, R.T. Holm, P.G. Neudeck, A.J. Trunek and J.A. Powell, “Non-destructive analysis of threading dislocations in GaN by electron channeling contrast imaging” Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 094106 (2007).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, K.D. Hobart and O.J. Glembocki, “Temperature-mediated saturation and current-induced recovery of the Vf drift in 4H-SiC pin diodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett, 91, 243509 (2007).


O.J. Glembocki, M. Skowronski, S.M. Prokes, D.K. Gaskill and J.D. Caldwell, “Observation of Free Carrier Redistribution Resulting from Stacking Fault Formation in Annealed 4H-SiC”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 357-359, 347 (2006).

J.D. Caldwell, O.J. Glembocki, D.M. Hansen, G. Chung, K. Hobart and F. Kub, “SiC Substrate Doping Profiles Using Commercial Optical Scanners”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 357-359, 725 (2006).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, O.J. Glembocki, K.X. Liu and K.D. Hobart, “Characterization of defects in the drift region of 4H-SiC pin diodes via optical beam induced current”, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B, 24, 2178 (2006).

J.D. Caldwell, M.A. Mastro, K.D. Hobart, O.J. Glembocki, C.R. Eddy, Jr., R.T. Holm, R.L. Henry, N.D. Bassim, M.E. Twigg, F. Kub, P. Neudeck, A.J. Trunek and J.A. Powell, “Improved Ultra-Violet Emission from Reduced Defect Gallium Nitride Homo-Junctions Grown on Step-Free 4H-SiC Mesas”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88, 263509 (2006).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, P.B. Klein, O.J. Glembocki, K.X. Liu, K.D. Hobart and F. Kub, “Observation of a Multi-layer In-Grown Stacking Fault in 4H-SiC PiN diodes” Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 103519 (2006).

E. Olshanetsky, J.D. Caldwell, A. Kovalev, C.R. Bowers, J.A. Simmons and J.L. Reno, “Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance and dynamic nuclear polarization in GaAs in the regime of the quantum Hall effect” Physica B, 373, 182 (2006).

J.D. Caldwell, “Investigations of Electron-Nuclear Spin Interactions in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems via Magnetoresistively Detected Magnetic Resonance”, dissertation defended Nov (2004), University of Florida; published online (2006).

C.R. Bowers, J.D. Caldwell, G.M. Gusev, A.E. Kovalev, E. Olshanetsky, J.L. Reno, J.A. Simmons and S.A. Vitkalov, “Dynamic nuclear polarization and nuclear magnetic resonance in the vicinity of edge states of a 2DES in GaAs quantum wells”, Solid-State NMR, special issue honoring Dr. Alex Pines, 29, 52 (2006).


E. Prati, M. Fanciulli, A. Kovalev, J.D. Caldwell, C. Bowers, F. Capotondi, G. Biasiol, and L. Sorba, “Magnetoresistively Detected Electron Spin Resonance in Low-Density Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in GaAs-AlGaAs Single Quantum Wells”, IEEE Trans. Nanotech., 4(1), 100 (2005).

J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Bowers and G.M. Gusev, “Electron Spin Resonance in a wide parabolic quantum well”, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 115339 (2005) – Cross-listed with J. Nanoscale Sci. & Tech., 12, 15 (2005).


E. Olshanetsky, M. Pilla, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Bowers, J.A. Simmons, and J.L. Reno, “Temperature Dependence of Electrically Detected ESR at Filling Factor =1 in a 2DEG”, Physica E, 17, 320 (2003).

E. Olshanetsky, J.D. Caldwell, M. Pilla, S.-C. Liu, C.R. Bowers, J.A. Simmons and J.L. Reno, “Temperature Dependence and Mechanism of Electrically Detected ESR at the nu=1 Filling Factor of a Two Dimensional Electron System”, Phys. Rev. B, 67, 165325 (2003).