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2010 – 2019


N. Kiessling, Y. Tong, A.J. Giles, S. Gewinner, W. Schollkopf, J.D. Caldwell, M. Wolf, A. Paarmann, “Surface Phonon Polariton Resonance Imaging Using Long-Wave Infrared-Visible Sum-Frequency Generation Microscopy”, ACS Photonics, 6(11), 3017-3023 (2019).

T.E. Beechem, C.B. Saltonstall, T. Gilbert, J. Matson, F. Ugwu, R. Kasica, F.J. Bezares, J. Valentine and J.D. Caldwell: Influence of spatial dispersion on spectral tuning of phonon-polaritons. Physical Review B 100, 205419 (2019).

A. Fali, S.T. White, T.G. Folland, M. He, N.A. Aghamiri, S. Liu, J.H. Edgar, J.D. Caldwell, R.F. Haglund and Y. Abate: Refractive Index-Based Control of Hyperbolic Phonon-Polariton Propagation. Nano Letters 19, 7725 (2019).

N.C. Passler, I. Razdolski, D.S. Katzer, D.F. Storm, J.D. Caldwell, M. Wolf and A. Paarmann: Second Harmonic Generation from Phononic Epsilon-Near-Zero Berreman Modes in Ultrathin Polar Crystal Films. ACS Photonics 6, 1365 (2019).

Z. Fan, Z. Dutta-Gupta, R. Gladstone, S. Trendafilov, M. Bosch, M. Jung, G.R. Swathi Iyer, A.J. Giles, M. Shcherbakov, B. Feigelson, J.D. Caldwell, M. Allen, J. Allen, G. Shvets, “Electrically defined topological interface states of graphene surface plasmons based on a gate-tunable quantum Bragg grating”, Nanophotonics, 8(8) 1417-1431 (2019).

N.C. Passler, I. Razdolski, D.S. Katzer, D.F. Storm, J.D. Caldwell, M. Wolf, A. Paarmann, “Strongly Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation from ENZ Berreman Modes in an Ultrathin AlN Film”, ACS Photonics. 6(6), 1365-1371 (2018).

I. Chatzakis, R.B. Davidson, A.D. Dunkelberger, S. Liu, J. Freitas, J. Culbertson, J.H. Edgar, D.C. Ratchford, C.T. Ellis, A.B. Grafton, A.J. Giles, J.G. Tischler, J.D. Caldwell, J.C. Owrutsky, “Rapid Bimolecular and Defect-Assisted Carrier Recombination in Hexagonal Boron Nitride” J. Phys. Chem. C, 123(23), 14689-14695 (2019).

D.C. Ratchford, C. Winta, I. Chatzakis, C.T. Ellis, N.C. Passler, J. Winterstein, P. Dev, I. Razdolski, J. Matson, J.R. Nolen, J.G. Tischler, I. Vurgaftman, M. Katz, N. Nepal, M. Hardy, J. Hachtel, J.-C. Idrobo, T. Reinecke, A.J. Giles, D.S. Katzer, N.D. Bassim, R. Stroud, M. Wolf, A. Paarmann, J.D. Caldwell, “Controlling the Infrared Dielectric Function through Atomic-Scale Heterostructures”, ACS Nano, 13(6), 6730-6741.

T.G. Folland, L. Nordin, D. Wasserman, J.D. Caldwell, “Probing Polaritons in the Mid- to Far-Infrared”, Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 191102 (2019).

J.D. Caldwell, I. Aharonovich, G. Cassabois, J.H. Edgar, B. Gil, D.N. Basov, “Photonics with Hexagonal Boron Nitride”, Nature Materials Reviews, 4, 552-567 (2019). – Cover Aug. 2019 Edition Nature Materials Reviews

C.R. Gubbin, R. Berte, M.A. Meeker, A.J. Giles, C.T. Ellis, J.G. Tischler, V.D. Wheeler, J.D. Caldwell, S. De Liberato, “Hybrid Longitudinal-Transverse Phonon Polaritons” Nature Comm., 10, 1682 (2019). 


E.L. Runnerstrom, K.P. Kelley, T.G. Folland, J.R. Nolen, N. Engheta, J.D. Caldwell, J.-P. Maria, “Polaritonic Hybrid-Epsilon-Near-Zero Modes: Beating the Plasmonic Confinement vs Propagation-Length Trade-off with Doped Cadmium Oxide Bilayers”, Nano Lett., 19(2), 948-957 (2018).

N. Sharac, A.J. Giles, K. Perkins, J. Tischler, F. Bezares, S.M. Prokes, T.G. Folland, O.J. Glembocki, J.D. Caldwell, “Implementation of plasmonic band structure to understand polariton hybridization within metamaterials”, Optics Express 26(22), 29363-29374 (2018).

T.G. Folland and J.D. Caldwell, “Controlling Infrared Light Polarization with Nanoscale Precision”, Nature, 562, 499-501 (2018).

T.G. Folland, A. Fali, S.T. White, J. Matson, S. Liu, J. Edgar, R.F. Haglund, Y. Abate, J.D. Caldwell, “Reconfigurable Mid-Infrared Hyperbolic Metasurfaces Using Phase Change Materials”, Nature Comm., 9, 4371 (2018).

T.G. Folland, T.W.W. Maβ, J.R. Matson, J.R. Nolen, S. Liu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J.H. Edgar, T. Taubner, J.D. Caldwell, “Probing hyperbolic polaritons using infrared attenuated total reflectance micro-spectroscopy”, MRS Comm., 8(4), 1418-1425 (2018).

X.Xiao, S. Maier, X. Li, J.D. Caldwell, V. Giannini, “Theoretical Analysis of Graphene Plasmon Cavities”, Appl. Mat. Today 12, 283 (2018).

N.C. Passler, C.R. Gubbin, T.G. Folland, I. Razdolski, D.S. Katzer, M. Wolf, S. De Liberato, J.D. Caldwell, A. Paarmann, “Strong coupling of epsilon-near-zero phonon polaritons in polar dielectric heterostructures”, Nano Lett. 18(7), 4285-4292 (2018).

R. Berte, C.R. Gubbin, V.D. Wheeler, A.J. Giles, V. Giannini, S.A. Maier, S. De Liberato, J.D. Caldwell, “Sub-nanometer thin oxide film sensing with localized surface phonon polaritons”, ACS Phot. 5(7), 2807-2815 (2018).

I. Chatzakis, A. Krishna, A.J. Giles, J. Culbertson, N. Sharac, M.G. Spencer, J.D. Caldwell, “Strong Confinement of Optical Fields using Localized Surface Phonon Polaritons in Cubic Boron Nitride”, Optics Letters, 43(9), 2177-2180 (2018).

L.V. Brown, M. Davanco, Z. Sun, A. Kretinin, Y. Chen, J.R. Matson, I. Vurgaftman, N. Sharac, A.J. Giles, M.M. Fogler, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, K. Novoselov, S.A. Maier, A. Centrone, J.D. Caldwell, “Nanoscale Mapping and Spectroscopy of Non-Radiative Hyperbolic Modes in Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanostructures”, Nano Letters 18(3), 1628-1636 (2018).

D. Yoo, D.A. Mohr, F. Vidal-Codina, J.-H.A. Michel, L. Martin-Moreno, M. Jo, S. Kim, J. Matson, J.D. Caldwell, J. Peraire, H. Altug, S.-H. Oh, “Coaxial Zero-Mode Resonators with Sub-10-nm Gaps for Ultrastrong Absorption Spectroscopy”, Nano Letters, 18(3), 1930-1936 (2018).

D. Dunkelberger, C.T. Ellis, D.C. Ratchford, A.J. Giles, M. Kim, C.S. Kim, B.T. Spann, I. Vurgaftman, J.G. Tischler, J.P. Long, O.J. Glembocki, J.C. Owrutsky, J.D. Caldwell, “Active Tuning of Surface-Phonon Resonances via Carrier Photoinjection”, Nature Phot. 12, 50-56 (2018). – Cover Jan. 2018 Edition Nature Photonics

A.J. Giles, S. Dai, I. Vurgaftman, T. Hoffman, S. Liu, L. Lindsay, C. Ellis, N. Assefa, I. Chatzakis, T.L. Reinecke, J. Tischler, M.M. Fogler, J.H. Edgar, D.N. Basov, J.D. Caldwell, “Ultra-Low-Loss Polaritons in Isotopically Pure boron nitride”, Nature Mat. 17, 134-139 (2018).


K. Li, J.M. Fitzgerald, X. Xiao, J.D. Caldwell, C. Zhang, S.A. Maier, X. Li, V. Giannini, “Graphene Plasmon Cavities Made with Silicon Carbide”, ACS Omega 2(7), 3640-3646 (2017).

T. Wang, P. Li, D.N. Chigrin, A.J. Giles, F.J. Bezares, O.J. Glembocki, J.D. Caldwell, T. Taubner, “Phononic Bowtie Nanoantennas: Controlling Infrared Thermal Radiation at the Nanoscale”, ACS Photonics 4(7), 1753-1760 (2017).

T. Low, A. Chaves, J.D. Caldwell, A. Kumar, N.X. Fang, Ph. Avouris, T. F. Heinz, F. Guinea, L. Martin-Moreno, F. Koppens, “Polaritons in layered 2D Materials”, Nature Materials 16, 182-194 (2017). – ISI Hot Paper (Top 0.1%), ISI Highly Cited (Top 1%)


I. Razdolski, Y. Chen, A.J. Giles, S. Gewinner, W. Schollkopf, M. Hong, M. Wolf, V. Giannini, J.D. Caldwell, S.A. Maier, A. Paarmann, “Resonant enhancement of second harmonic generation in the mid-infrared using localized surface phonon polaritons in sub-diffractional nanostructures”, Nano Letters 16(11), 6954-6959 (2016).

A.J. Giles, R. Kasica, J.D. Caldwell, “Nanostructured Surface Phonon Polariton Systems for Mid-Infrared Nanophotonics” JEOL News, 51(1), 32-34 (2016).

C.T. Ellis, J.G. Tischler, O.J. Glembocki, F.J. Bezares, A.J. Giles, R. Kasica, L. Shirey, J.C. Owrutsky, D.N. Chigrin, J.D. Caldwell, “Aspect-ratio driven evolution of high-order resonant modes and near-field distributions in localized surface phonon polariton nanostructures”, Sci. Reports 6, 32959 (2016).

Z.Y. Al Balushi, K. Wang, R.K. Ghosh, R.A. Vila, S.M. Eichfeld, J.D. Caldwell, X. Qin, Y.-C. Lin, P.A. DeSario, G. Stone, S. Subramanian, D.F. Paul, R.M. Wallace, S. Datta, J.M. Redwing, J.A. Robinson, “Two-Dimensional Gallium Nitride Realized Via Graphene Encapsulation”, Nature Materials 15, 1166-1171 (2016).

A.J. Giles, S. Dai, O.J. Glembocki, A.V. Kretinin, T. Tanaguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Fogler, K. Novoselov, D.N. Basov, J.D. Caldwell, “Imaging of Anomalous Internal Reflections of Hyperbolic Phonon-Polaritons in Hexagonal Boron Nitride”, Nano Letters 16(6), 3858-3865 (2016).

B.T. Spann, R. Compton, D. Ratchford, P.B. Klein, J.D. Caldwell, J.C. Owrutsky, “Photoinduced Tunability of the Reststrahlen Band in 4H-SiC”, Phys. Rev. B 93, 080525 (2016).

J. Kim, A. Dutta, V. Naik, A.V. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva, A.J. Giles, F.J. Bezares, O.J. Glembocki, J.D. Caldwell, A.M. Mahmoud, H. Caglayan, N. Engheta, “The Role of Epsilon-Near-Zero Substrates in the Optical Response of Plasmonic Antennas”, Optica 3(3), 339 (2016).

S. Tsoi, F.J. Bezares, A.J. Giles, J.P. Long, O.J. Glembocki, J.D. Caldwell, J. Owrutsky, “Experimental Demonstration of the Optical Lattice Resonance in Arrays of Si Nanoresonators”, Appl. Phys. Lett 108, 111101 (2016).

J.D. Caldwell, I. Vurgaftman, J.G. Tischler, O.J. Glembocki, J.C. Owrutsky, T.L. Reinecke, “Atomic-Scale Photonic Hybrids: Towards Designer and Multifunctional Nanophotonics”, Nature Nanotechnology 11, 9-14 (2016).‘Highly Cited’ – by Web of Knowledge


D.G. Baranov, J.H. Edgar, T. Hoffman, N. Bassim, J.D. Caldwell, “Perfect interferenceless absorption at infrared frequencies by a van der Waals crystal”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 201405(R) (2015).

H. Guo, B. Simpkins, J.D. Caldwell, J. Guo, “Resonance Spectra of Diabolo Optical Antenna Arrays”, AIP Adv. 5, 107149 (2015).

J.D. Caldwell, I. Vurgaftman, J.G. Tischler, “Mid-Infrared Nanophotonics: Probing Hyperbolic Polaritons”, Nature Photonics, 9, 638-640 (2015).

J.D. Caldwell and K.S. Novoselov, “van der Waals Heterostructures: Mid-Infrared Nanophotonics”, Nature Materials 14, 364 (2015).

J.D. Caldwell, L. Lindsay, V. Giannini, I. Vurgaftman, T. Reinecke, S.A. Maier, O.J. Glembocki, “Low-loss, Infrared and Terahertz Nanophotonics using Surface Phonon Polaritons”, Nanophotonics, 4(1), 44-68 (2015). – ‘Highly Cited’ – by Web of Knowledge

P. Li, M. Lewin, A.V. Kretinin, J.D. Caldwell, K.S. Novoselov, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, F. Gaussmann, T. Taubner, “Hyperbolic phonon-polaritons in boron nitride for near-field optical imaging and focusing”, Nature Comm., 6, 7507 (2015). – ‘Highly Cited’ – by Web of Knowledge

S.B. Qadri, E. Gorzkowski, B.B. Rath, J. Feng, S.N. Qadri, H. Kim, J.D. Caldwell, M.A. Imam, “Nanoparticles and Nanorods of Silicon Carbide from the Residues of Corn”, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 044306 (2015).

S.B. Qadri, B.B. Rath, E.P. Gorzkowski, J. Feng, S.N. Qadri, J.D. Caldwell, “Nanotubes, Nanobelts, Nanowires, and Nanorods of Silicon Carbide from Wheat Husks”, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 104904 (2015).

E.H. Lock, S.C. Hernandez, T.J. Anderson, S.W. Schmucker, M. Laskoski, S.P. Mulvaney, F.J. Bezares, J.D. Caldwell, P.E. Sheehan, J.T. Robinson, B.N. Feygelson, S.G. Walton, “Etch free graphene transfer to polymers”, Surface & Coatings Tech. 241, 118-122 (2014).


J.D. Caldwell, A.V. Kretinin, Y. Chen, V. Giannini, M. M. Fogler, Y. Francescato, C.T. Ellis, J.G. Tischler, C.R. Woods, A.J. Giles, H. Minhui, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S.A. Maier, K.S. Novoselov, “Sub-diffractional volume-confined polaritons in the natural hyperbolic material boron nitride”, Nature Communications 5, 5221 (2014). – ‘Highly Cited’ – by Web of Knowledge

Y. Chen, Y. Francescato, J.D. Caldwell, V. Giannini, T. Mass, F.J. Bezares, T. Taubner, R. Kasica, M. Hong, S.A. Maier, “Spectral Tuning of Localized Surface Phonon Polariton Resonators for Low-Loss Mid-IR Applications”, ACS Photonics, 1, 718-724 (2014).


S.C Hernandez, F.J. Bezares, J.T. Robinson, J.D. Caldwell, S.G. Walton, “Controlling the local chemical reactivity of graphene through spatial functionalization”, Carbon 60, 84-93 (2013).

E.P. Gorzkowski, S.B. Qadri, B.B. Rath, R. Goswami, J.D. Caldwell, S.K. Singh, “Nano-dimensional Structures of 3C-SiC Formation from Rice Husk”, J. Electron. Mats., 42(5), 799-804 (2013).

J. Fontana, J. Livenere, F.J. Bezares, J.D. Caldwell, R. Rendell, B.R. Ratna, “Large surface-enhanced Raman scattering from self-assembled gold nanosphere monolayers”, Appl. Phys. Lett.. 102, 201606 (2013).

J.D. Caldwell, A. Giles, D. Lepage, D. Carrier, K. Moumanis, B.A. Hull, R.E. Stahlbush, R. Myers-Ward, J.J. Dubowski, M. Verhaegen, “Experimental Evidence for Mobile Luminescence Center Mobility on Partial Dislocations in 4H-SiC using Hyperspectral Electroluminescence Imaging”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 242109 (2013).

S.C. Hernandez, C.J.C. Bennett, C.E. Junkermeier, S.D. Tsoi, F.J. Bezares, R. Stine, J.T. Robinson, E.H. Lock, D.R. Boris, B.D. Pate, J.D. Caldwell, T.L. Reinecke, P.E. Sheehan, S.G. Walton, “Chemical Gradients on Graphene to Drive Droplet Motion”, ACS Nano, 7(6), 4746-4755 (2013).

J.D. Caldwell, O.J. Glembocki, N. Sharac, J.P. Long, J. Owrutsky, I. Vurgaftman, J.G. Tischler, F.J. Bezares, V. Wheeler, N.D. Bassim, L. Shirey, Y. Francescato, V. Giannini, S.A. Maier, R. Kasica, “Low-loss, Extreme Sub-Diffraction Photon Confinement via Silicon Carbide Surface Phonon Polariton Nanopillar Resonators”, Nano Lett. 13(8), 3690-3697 (2013).

F.J. Bezares, J.P. Long, O.J. Glembocki, J. Guo, R.W. Rendell, R. Kasica, L. Shirey, J.C. Owrutsky, J.D. Caldwell, “Mie Resonance-Enhanced Light Absorption in Periodic Silicon Nanopillar Arrays” Optics Express 21(23), 27587-27601 (2013).

N. Noginova, V. Rono, F.J. Bezares, J.D. Caldwell, “Plasmon Drag Effect in Metal Nanostructures”, New Journal of Physics 15, 113061 (2013).

S.B. Qadri, E.P. Gorzkowski, M.A. Imam, A. Fliflet, R. Goswami, H. Kim, J.D. Caldwell, F. Klemm, B.B. Rath, “Production of nanoscale particles and nanorods of SiC from sorghum leaves”, Industrial Crops and Products, 51, 158-162 (2013).


S.M. Prokes, O.J. Glembocki, Erin Cleveland, J.D. Caldwell, E. Foos, J. Niinisto, M. Ritala, “Spoof-like Plasmonic Behavior of ALD Grown Ag Thin Films”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 053106 (2012).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush and N.A. Mahadik, “Mitigating Defects within Silicon Carbide Epitaxy”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 159(3) R46-R51 (2012).

M.J. Tadjer, T.J. Anderson, K.D. Hobart, T.I. Feygelson, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Eddy Jr., F.J. Kub, J.E. Butler, B. Pate and J. Melngailis, “Reduced Self-heating in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using Nanocrystalline Diamond Heat Spreading Films”, IEEE Elect. Device Lett., 33(1), 23-25 (2012).

V. Veliadis, H. Hearne, W. Chang, J. Caldwell, E.J. Stewart, M. Snook, R.S. Howell, D. Urciuoli, A. Lelis and C. Scozzie, “Recovery of Bipolar-current Induced Degradations in High-Voltage Implanted-Gate Junction Field Effect Transistors”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 717-720, 1013-1016 (2012).

J.D. Caldwell, L. Lombez, A. Delamarre, J.-F. Guillemoles, B. Bourgoin, B.A. Hull, M. Verhaegen, “Luminescence Imaging of Extended Defects in SiC via Hyperspectral Imaging”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 717-720, 403-406 (2012).

N.A. Mahadik, R.E. Stahlbush, J.D. Caldwell and K.D. Hobart, “Ultraviolet Photoluminescence Imaging of Stacking Fault Contraction in 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 717-720, 391-394 (2012).

T.J. Anderson, K.D. Hobart, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, J.D. Caldwell, F.J. Bezares, D.K. Gaskill, C.R. Eddy Jr., F.J. Kub, G.G. Jernigan, M.J. Tadjer and E.A. Imhoff, “Electrical Characterization of the Graphene-SiC Heterojunction”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 717-720, 641-644 (2012).

N.A. Mahadik, R.E. Stahlbush, J.D. Caldwell, M. O’Loughlin, A. Burk, “Correlation of Extended Defects on Carrier Lifetime in Thick SiC Epilayers”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 717-720, 297-300 (2012).

F.J. Bezares, J.D. Caldwell, O. Glembocki, R.W. Rendell, M. Feygelson, M. Ukaegbu, R. Kasica, L. Shirey, N.D. Bassim, C. Hosten, “The Role of Propagating and Localized Surface Plasmons for SERS Enhancement in Periodic Nanostructures”, Plasmonics, 7 (1), 143-150 (2012).

L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, A.L. Friedman, B.R. Matis, G.G. Jernigan, P.M. Campbell, J.C. Culbertson, J.W. Baldwin, C.R. Eddy Jr., F.J. Bezares, H. Chun, J.D. Caldwell, E.A. Imhoff and D.K. Gaskill, “Epitaxial Graphene Growth on Homoepitaxial 4H-SiC (0001)/4H-SiC (0001) Step-Free Mesas”, Nano Letters, 12(4), 1749-1756 (2012).

S.B. Qadri, M.A. Imam, A.W. Fliflet, B.B. Rath, R. Goswami, J.D. Caldwell, “Microwave Processing of Rice Husks and the Formation of 3C-SiC”, J. Appl. Phys., 111, 073523 (2012).

H. Qi, E.R. Glaser, J.D. Caldwell, S.M. Prokes, “Growth of Vertically-Aligned ZnO Nanowire Arrays using Binary Alloy Catalysts”, J. Nanomaterials, 2012, 260687 (2012).

G.G. Jernigan, T.M. Anderson, J.T. Robinson, J.D. Caldwell, M.G. Ancona, V.E. Wheeler, L.O. Nyakiti, J.C. Culbertson, A.E. Davidson, A.L. Friedman, P.M. Campbell and D. Kurt Gaskill, “Novel Bilayer Graphene: CVD Graphene Bonded to Epitaxial Graphene”, JVST B 30 (3), 03D110 (2012).

S.M. Adams, S. Campione, J.D. Caldwell, F.J. Bezares, J.C. Culbertson, F. Capolino, R. Ragan, “Non-lithographic, SERS Substrates: Tailoring Surface Chemistry for Au Nanoparticle Cluster Assembly”, Small, 8(14), 2239 (2012).

V. Veliadis, H. Hearne, E.J. Stewart, M Snook, W. Chang, J.D. Caldwell, H.C. Ha, N. El-Hinnawy, P. Borodulin, R.S. Howell, D. Urciuoli, A. Lelis, C. Scozzie, “Degradation and Full Recovery in High-Voltage Implanted-Gate SiC JFETs Subjected to Bipolar Current Stress”, IEEE Elec. Dev. Lett. 33(7), 952-954 (2012).

B.S. Simpkins, J.P. Long, O.J. Glembocki, J. Guo, J.D. Caldwell, J.C. Owrutsky, “Pitch-dependent resonances and near-field coupling in infrared nanoantenna arrays”, Optics Express 20(25), 27725-27739 (2012).

T.J. Anderson, K.D. Hobart, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, J.D. Caldwell, F.J. Bezares, G.G. Jernigan, M.J. Tadjer, E.A. Imhoff, A.D. Koehler, D.K. Gaskill, C.R. Eddy, F.J. Kub, “Investigation of the Epitaxial Graphene/p-SiC Heterojunction”, IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. 33(11) 1610-1612 (2012).


N.A. Mahadik, R.E. Stahlbush, S.B. Qadri, O.J. Glembocki, D.A. Alexson, J.D. Caldwell, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, D.K. Gaskill, “Structure and Morphology of Inclusions in 4 degrees Offcut 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers”, J. Electron. Mats, 40(4), 413-18 (2011).

I. Chowdhury, MVS Chandrasekhar, P.B. Klein, J.D. Caldwell and T.S. Sudarshan, “High growth rate 4H-SiC epitaxial growth using dichlorosilane in a hot-wall CVD reactor”, J. Cryst. Growth, 316(1), 60-66 (2011).

J.P. Goss, P.R. Briddon, V.K. Nagareddy, N.G. Wright, A.B. Horsfall, J.D. Caldwell, D.K. Gaskill and G.G. Jernigan “Influence of intercalated silicon on the transport properties of graphene”, Mat. Sci Forum, 679-680, 793 (2011).

J.D. Caldwell, O.J. Glembocki, F.J. Bezares, N.D. Bassim, R.W. Rendell, M. Feygelson, M. Ukaegbu, R. Kasica, L. Shirey and C. Hosten, “Plasmonic Nanopillar Arrays for Large-Area, High Enhancement Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensors”, ACS Nano, 5, 4046 (2011).

R.L. Myers-Ward, L.O. Nyakiti, J.K. Hite, O.J. Glembocki, J.D. Caldwell, F.J. Bezares, E.F. Imhoff, K.D. Hobart, J.C. Culbertson, Y. Picard, V.D. Wheeler, C.R. Eddy Jr., D.K. Gaskill, “Effects of Nitrogen Doping on Basal Plane Dislocations in 8 degree off-cut 4H-SiC epilayers”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 679-680, 63-66 (2011).

R.L. Myers-Ward, L.O. Nyakiti, J.K. Hite, O.J. Glembocki, F.J. Bezares, J.D. Caldwell, G.A. Imhoff, K.D. Hobart, J.C. Culbertson, Y.N. Picard, V.D. Wheeler, C.R. Eddy, D.K. Gaskill, “Growth of 4H- and 3C-SiC Epitaxial Layers on 4H-SiC Step-Free Mesas”, Mat. Sci. Forum 679-680, 119-122 (2011).

M. Jiang, Y. Li, R. Dhakal, P. Thapaliya, M. Mastro, J.D. Caldwell, F. Kub, X-Z. Yan, “Cu2ZnSnS4 Solar Cells Prepared with Annealed Spin-Coated Sol-Gel Precursor”, J. Photon. Energy, 1, 019501 (2011).

M. Currie, J.D. Caldwell, F. J. Bezares, J. Robinson, T. Anderson, H. Chun and M. Tadjer, “Quantifying Pulsed Laser Induced Damage to Graphene”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 211909 (2011).

J.D. Caldwell, O.J. Glembocki, F.J. Bezares, M.I. Kariniemi, J.T. Niinisto, T.T. Hatanpaa, R.W. Rendell, M. Ukaegbu, M.K. Ritala, S.M. Prokes, C.M. Hosten, M.A. Leskela and R.Kasica “Large-Area Plasmonic Hot-Spot Arrays: Sub-2 nm Interparticle Separations with Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Ag on Periodic Arrays of Si Nanopillars”, Optics Exp. 19(27), 26056 (2011). Chosen for Spotlight on Optics


J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, M.G. Ancona, A.J. Giles, O.J. Glembocki, K.D. Hobart, B.A. Hull and K.X. Liu, “On the Luminescence and Driving Force of Stacking Faults in 4H-SiC”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 645-648, 277 (2010).

A.J. Giles, J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, B.A. Hull, N.A. Mahadik, O.J. Glembocki, K.D. Hobart and K.X. Liu, “Electroluminescence Spectral Imaging of Extended Defects in 4H-SiC”, J. Electron. Mats, 39(6), 777-780 (2010).

M.E. Twigg, Y.N . Picard, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Eddy, M.A. Mastro, R.T. Holm, P.G. Neudeck, A.J. Trunek, J.A. Powell, “Diffraction Contrast of Threading Dislocations in GaN and 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers using Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging”, J. Electron. Mat. 39(6), 743-746 (2010).

M.J. Tadjer, T.J. Anderson, K.D. Hobart, M.A. Mastro, J.K. Hite, J.D. Caldwell, Y.N. Picard, F.J. Kub, C.R. Eddy, “Electrical and Optical Characterization of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with in situ and ex situ Deposited SiNx Layers”, J. Electron Mat., 39(11), 2452 (2010).

J.D. Caldwell, R.E. Stahlbush, O.J. Glembocki, M. Ancona and K.D. Hobart, “On the driving force for recombination-induced Stacking Fault Motion in 4H-SiC”, J. Appl. Phys., 108, 044503 (2010).

J.D. Caldwell, T.J. Anderson, J.C. Culbertson, G.G. Jernigan, K.D. Hobart, F.J. Kub, M.J. Tadjer, J.L. Tedesco, J.K. Hite, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, P.M. Campbell and D.K. Gaskill, “Technique for the Dry Transfer of Epitaxial Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates”, ACS Nano, 4(2), 1108-1114 (2010).

J.D. Caldwell, T.J. Anderson, K.D. Hobart, G.G. Jernigan, J.C. Culbertson, F. Kub, J.L. Tedesco, J.K. Hite, R. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, P.M. Campbell and D.K. Gaskill, “Techniques for the Dry Transfer of Epitaxial Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates”, Mat. Sci. Forum, 645-648, 633 (2010).

A. Agarwal, Q. Zhang, R. Callanan, C. Capell, A. Burk, M. O’Loughlin, J. Palmour, V. Temple, R. Stahlbush, J. Caldwell, H. O’Brien and C. Scozzie, “9 kV 1 cm2 SiC Gate Turn-Off Thyristors”, Mat. Sci, Forum, 645-648, 1017 (2010).

R.L. Myers-Ward, B.L. VanMil, K.-K. Lew, P.B. Klein, E.R. Glaser, J.D. Caldwell, M.A. Mastro, L. Wang, P. Zhao, C.R. Eddy Jr. and D.K. Gaskill, “Investigation of Deep Levels in Nitrogen Doped 4H-SiC Epitaxial Layers Grown on 4 and 8o Off-Axis Substrates”, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 054906 (2010).

M.E. Twigg, Y.N. Picard, J.D. Caldwell, C.R. Eddy Jr., M.A. Mastro, R.T. Holm, P.G. Neudeck, A.J. Trunek and J.A. Powell, “Diffraction contrast of threading dislocations in GaN and 4H-SiC epitaxial layers using electron channeling contrast imaging”, J. Electron. Mats. 39(6), 743-746 (2010).

M.J. Tadjer, T.I. Feygelson, K.D. Hobart, J.D. Caldwell, T.J. Anderson, J.E. Butler, C.R. Eddy, D.K. Gaskill, K.K. Lew, B.L. VanMil, R.L. Myers-Ward, F.J. Kub, G. Sollenberger and L. Brillson “On the high curvature coefficient rectifying behavior of nanocrystalline diamond heterojunctions to 4H-SiC”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 193510 (2010).