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Postdoc Position Available

Dec. 8, 2014—We welcome applications for a post-doctoral position in the Multiscale Computational Mechanics Laboratory (MCML) at Vanderbilt University. MCML is a part of the interdisciplinary Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MuMS) facility. The successful candidate will work on the modeling and simulation of high-temperature creep-fatigue failure response of polycrystalline materials, primarily at the grain level. The candidate...

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Rudra Bhattacharyya among 8 ASCE members invited to the “Emerging Leaders Alliance Conference”

Nov. 14, 2014—The 2014 Emerging Leaders Alliance Conference was held at Reston,VA. The conference series is sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Rudraprasad was among the 8 members selected by the ASCE from across the world to represent the society at the conference. The conference is a venue that facilitates communication and interaction of...

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Caglar Oskay delivered an invited seminar at DoD Composites Workshop

Nov. 4, 2014—Caglar Oskay was among the featured speakers at the “Composite Materials and Computational Tools Workshop: Industrial, Academic, and Government Perspective to DOD Applications” held in Fairborn, OH on November 4-5, 2014. The title of his invited presentation was: “Predicting Response and Fatigue Life of Composites using Homogenization-based Multiscale Simulation Framework”.

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