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Caglar Oskay delivered a seminar at Columbia University

Aug. 21, 2014—Caglar Oskay delivered a seminar at the Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department at Columbia University. The title of the seminar is: “Modeling High Performing Structures at Extreme Environments: Effects of Environmental Degradation”. Abstract: Modeling and prediction of the deterioration of material and structural performance under severe environmental conditions has been a tremendous challenge to...

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Matt Pike wins the Computational Mechanics Student Poster Competition at EMI 2014. Congratulations Matt!

Aug. 8, 2014—Matthew G. Pike was the winner of the Student Poster Competition organized by the Computational Mechanics Technical Committee at the 2014 Engineering Mechanics Conference held at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The title of the winning poster is: “Mechanical Modeling of Nano and Micro Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Using XFEM”.

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Matthew Pike presented his research at EMI 2014 Conference

Aug. 6, 2014—The title of the Matt Pike’s presentation is: “Mechanical Modeling of Nano and Micro Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Using XFEM”.

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MCML receive a new NSF award: Mechanics and Dynamics of Viscoelastic Metacomposites

Jul. 22, 2014—Title: Mechanics and Dynamics of Viscoelastic Metacomposites Source of Support : National Science Foundation, CMMI Mechanics of Materials Program. Program Manager Dr/ Thomas Siegmund. Abstract: Metamaterials are man-made materials that exhibit unusual properties (such as negative apparent stiffness and density) not ordinarily observed in nature. These exceptional properties allow realization of structural behavior that is...

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Tong Hui successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Hui!

Jun. 28, 2014—Tong Hui’s dissertation is entitled: Multiscale Modeling of the Dynamic Response of Composite Structures. He will continue his career at GE Global Research. Dissertation Abstract This research proposes a computational framework of the dynamic response of composite structures based on the mathematical homogenization theory with multiple spatial scales. The computational framework serves to reproduce wave...

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MCML featured in the May issue of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Newsletter

May. 10, 2014—MCML research activities on Multiscale Simulation-Based Life Prediction was featured in the May issue of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Newsletter

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Caglar Oskay delivered an invited lecture at Northwestern University

Jan. 29, 2014—Caglar Oskay delivered an invited lecture within the Structural Engineering and Infrastructure Materials Seminar Series of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Northwestern University. The title of the seminar is: “A Multiscale Simulation-Based Life Prediction Approach for Heterogeneous Materials”. The abstract is as follows: Abstract: We will describe a multiscale simulation-based failure and life...

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