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MCML is part of the new NSF Type 1 Innovation Engine: Game Change!

May. 11, 2023—The Game Change Engine is on Advancing carbon centric circular economy technologies for advanced manufacturing solutions in Kentucky and Tennessee. Our coalition, led by University of Kentucky and inclusive of 13 core partners across Kentucky and Tennessee – with more than 50 collaborating organizations across higher education, industry, government, non-profit, and venture capital – is...

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Caglar Oskay delivered an invited talk at UNCC – 4/6/2023

Apr. 6, 2023—Lecture Title: Computational Multiscale Mechanics for Connecting Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Metals Location: Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science Department, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. Abstract: Additive manufacturing promises to achieve unprecedented mechanical properties and performance in engineered systems by providing the ability to co-design the material and the structure....

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MCML is part of new NASA STRI on Modeling for Additive Manufacturing! – 03/16/2023

Mar. 16, 2023—MCML is a partner in the new Space Technology Research Institute: Institute for Model-Based Qualification & Certification of Additive Manufacturing (IMQCAM)! The institute is tasked with developing digital twins for 3D-printed parts made from spaceflight materials that are commonly used for 3D printing, as well as evaluating and modeling new materials. The STRI is a...

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Caglar Oskay delivered a virtual lecture at NASA Langley – 2/22/2023

Feb. 22, 2023—Lecture Title: Computational Multiscale Mechanics for Connecting Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Metals Location: NASA Langley Research Center (Virtual). Abstract: Additive manufacturing promises to achieve unprecedented mechanical properties and performance in engineered systems by providing the ability to co-design the material and the structure. Achieving the confidence level to design such novel engineered...

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Caglar Oskay delivered an invited talk at NCSU – 2/17/2023

Feb. 17, 2023—Lecture Title: Computational Multiscale Mechanics for Connecting Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Metals Location: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Abstract: Additive manufacturing promises to achieve unprecedented mechanical properties and performance in engineered systems by providing the ability to co-design the material and the structure. Achieving the confidence...

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Caglar Oskay named Cornelius Vanderbilt Endowed Professor of Engineering – 12/01/2022

Dec. 1, 2022—Caglar Oskay has been named Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering. Cornelius Vanderbilt Chairs are established by the university at all Vanderbilt schools to recognize faculty who are engaged in groundbreaking research.

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Zimu Su successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Su! – 7/27/2022

Jul. 27, 2022—The title of Dr. Su’s dissertation is: “Multiscale Discrete Damage Theory for Failure Modeling of Composite Materials”

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Caglar Oskay delivered a minisymposium keynote at ECCOMAS’22- 06/06/2022

Jun. 6, 2022—Caglar Oskay delivered the keynote lecture in the minisymposium entitled Multiscale Computational Homogenization for Bridging Scales in the Mechanics and Physics of Complex Materials at the 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022) held in Oslo, Norway on July 23-27, 2023. The title of the lecture was A...

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Damin Xia and Zimu Su presented their research at EMI 2022 Conference — 06/04/2022

Jun. 3, 2022—Damin and Zimu presented their research at the 2022 Engineering Mechanics Institute held in Baltimore, MD on June 1-3, 2022. The title of Damin’s presentation was: “A multiscale reduced order model for polycrystalline microstructure with cracks”. The title of Zimu’s presentation was: “Data-Driven Inverse Characterization for In-situ Microscopic Composite Properties”.

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