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Zimu Su presented his research at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference – 06/21/2019

Jun. 21, 2019—Zimu presented his research at the EMI conference held in Pasadena, Ca on June 19-22, 2019. The title of Zimu’s presentation was: “Multiscale Discrete Damage Theory for Failure Prediction of Heterogeneous Materials ”

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Caglar Oskay delivered an invited talk at the US Army ERDC – 06/11/2019

Jun. 11, 2019—Lecture Title: Multiscale State and Failure Prediction in Structures Operating in Severe Loading and Environments Location: US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Vicksburg, MS. Abstract: Over the past couple of decades, tremendous effort has been devoted to the development of multiscale computational modeling and simulation strategies for physics-based prediction of structural response. Among...

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Caglar Oskay appointed Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Mechanics – 02/21/2019

Feb. 21, 2019—Effective April 1, 2019, Caglar Oskay will serve as Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics.

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Ruize Hu successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Hu! – 02/18/2019

Feb. 18, 2019—The title of Dr. Hu’s dissertation is: “Multiscale Computational Methods for Wave Propagation in 2D Phononic Crystals and Acoustic Metamaterials”

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Caglar Oskay to deliver Semi-Plenary Lecture at USNCCM’15 – 01/10/2019

Jan. 10, 2019—Caglar Oskay will deliver a Semi-Plenary Lecture at the U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics to be held on July 28-August 1, 2019 in Austin, TX. The title of his talk is: “Multiscale Methods for Unraveling Unique Dynamic Behavior of Architectured Materials”

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Ali Kilic joins MCML as undergraduate researcher. Welcome Ali! – 01/07/2019

Jan. 1, 2019—Ali is a sophomore in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Vanderbilt University.

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Ido Meshi joins MCML as a visiting PhD student. Welcome Ido! – 01/01/2019

Jan. 1, 2019—Ido joins MCML from the Mechanics of Composites Lab at Tel Aviv University. Ido’s primary advisor is Prof. Rami Haj-Ali.

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