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Xiang Zhang and Rudraprasad Bhattacharrya presented their research at EMI 2017 Conference in San Diego

Jun. 7, 2017—The title of the Xiang’s first presentation was: “Microscale modeling of creep deformation and rupture using cohesive zone-crystal plasticity finite element analysis”. Abstract: Nickel-based alloys are widely used as structural materials for high temperature applications due to their exceptional combination of high temperature strength and creep resistance. Inconel 617, a solid-solution strengthened Nickel-based alloy, is...

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Shuhai Zhang successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Zhang!

May. 15, 2017—The title of Dr. Zhang’s dissertation is: “Variational Multiscale Enrichment Method for Modeling of Structures Subjected to Extreme Environments”

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Xiang Zhang is selected finalist for the Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition!

Apr. 30, 2017—Congratulations to Xiang Zhang, who participated in the 2017 Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition. He was selected as finalist of the competition with his paper entitled: Sparse and Scalable Eigenstrain-based Reduced Order Homogenization Models for Polycrystal Plasticity.

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Rudraprasad Bhattacharyya to receive the 2017 ASCE Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement. Congratulations Rudra!

Apr. 13, 2017—Rudraprasad Bhattacharyya has been selected by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to receive the 2017 Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement “For professional achievement in service to the advancement of the profession, evidence of technical competence, high character and integrity, and contributions to public service outside their career.”

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Caglar Oskay delivered an invited lecture at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Feb. 27, 2017—Lecture Title: Reduced-Order Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials and Structures Location: Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Abstract: Tremendous amount of effort has been devoted to the development of multiscale computational modeling and simulation strategies for predicting the mechanical and functional response of heterogeneous materials over the past few decades. The focus...

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MCML continues close collaboration with AFRL on multiscale modeling of composite structures

Feb. 16, 2017—Title: Prediction of Damage Growth in Large-Scale Composite Structures Research Team : MCML Source of Support : Air Force Research Laboratory / University of Dayton Research Institute. Synopsis: The Air Force (AF) needs the capability to accurately predict damage growth in large-scale com- posite aircraft structures under realistic service loads and environmental conditions. The predictive...

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Follow IRIS Initiative Blog at VUBreakThru!

Feb. 7, 2017—The updates on our interdisciplinary initiative on Intelligent Resilient Infrastructure Systems (IRIS) are available at:!

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Caglar Oskay elected Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Jan. 30, 2017—The citation of Caglar Oskay’s significant achievements reads: “For developing and implementing new multi-scale computational modeling and simulation tools for material and structural systems subjected to extreme environments and loading conditions, and training future generations of engineers to construct safer and more durable advanced composite aerospace and infrastructure materials and structures.”

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