Review of The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age
Posted by kelnersj on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 in Research, Reviews.
Review of Daniel Levy and Natan Sznaider’s The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age (Temple University Press, 2005)
2007. Social Forces 86(2):873-5
From the review: “’The past is not dead. It is not even past.’ Faulkner’s words might serve as the epigraph to the entire field of collective memory studies. Its key insights – that groups are constituted by what and how they remember, that contemporary identities and representations of the past are mutually informing – have been developed primarily through examinations of nationalism. Daniel Levy and Natan Sznaider’s significant new book, The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age, brings the study of collective memory into the era of globalization. Can we imagine a ‘cosmopolitan’ memory that not only fosters supranational political identities, they ask, but that also imagines community in open, non-exclusionary ways?”
View the entire review on the journal website
Tags: collective memory, reviews
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