In Its Own Image: Independent Philanthropy and the Cultivation of Young Jewish Leadership
2011. This study examines Jewish American leadership development initiatives from the 1970s to the present day, focusing on the programs’ roots in the changing landscape of Jewish philanthropy and a shift in agenda-setting power from communally governed Jewish charitable federations to independent family foundations. Shaul Kelner 2011. “In Its Own Image: Independent Philanthropy and the…
Posted by kelnersj on May 10, 2013 in Articles, Chapters, Research, chapters, Federation, foundations, jewish leadership, philanthropy
Tours That Bind — A Study of Birthright Israel
TOURS THAT BIND Diaspora, Pilgrimage and Israeli Birthright Tourism New York University Press, 2010 View on Amazon Since 1999 hundreds of thousands of young American Jews have visited Israel on an all-expense-paid 10-day pilgrimage-tour known as Birthright Israel. The most elaborate of the state-supported homeland tours that are cropping up all over the world, the…
Posted by fullerra on October 11, 2011 in , Birthright Israel, book, diaspora, featured, foundations, israel, tourism
Who is Being Taught? Jewish Early Childhood Education’s Adult-Centered Approach
2007. Chapter 3 in Family Matters: Jewish Education in an Age of Choice. Edited by Jack Wertheimer. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. Pp. 59-79. Studies in the sociology of education: One of three chapters analyzing the roles played by families, schools, communities, and advocacy groups in Jewish education. To read the chapter, click…
Posted by kelnersj on September 21, 2011 in Articles, Chapters, Research, chapters, education, foundations
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