Special live music returns to campus with COVID protocol-compliant performance
Students and faculty from Vanderbilt Blair School of Music and a Jewish studies class hosted a COVID protocol-compliant live music performance on April 8. Full story and video here.
Posted by kelnersj on April 12, 2021 in In the News, Media, arts, Covid-19, pedagogy
Drink Prey Lust
Wexner Foundation Blog, March 15, 2016. Purim is a festival of inversion, a time when the lowly are honored, the esteemed are mocked, the serious is parodied, and the forbidden is — for a moment — permissible. By turning things upside down for a day, Purim reaffirms what right-side-up should look like. It is only…
Posted by kelnersj on March 15, 2016 in Media, pedagogy, religion, ritual
Encounters and Journeys: Cultivating Jewish Peoplehood?
This December 2015 blogcast sponsored by the Consortium for Applied Studies in Jewish Education focuses on travel as a form of Jewish education, ethical engagement and community-building. Click here to view.
Posted by kelnersj on December 19, 2015 in Media, Birthright Israel, diaspora, education, israel, tourism
Seeing Jewish Studies Through Christian Students’ Writing
From the Brandeis University Mandel Center’s blog, “Learning about Learning”, Jan. 6, 2015: The Zohar may seem an unlikely text to use for the first session of a 100-level Introduction to Jewish Studies class. I chose to open with it, however, for three reasons… Continue Reading »
Posted by kelnersj on January 6, 2015 in Media, education, pedagogy
Reshaping the World Through Vision, Activism, Ideas and Initiative (Not Demography)
Wexner Foundation Blog, May 22, 2014 I have now seen several rounds of brouhaha over Jewish population surveys: 1990, 2001, and now Pew 2013. One would think that the conversation would advance each decade. This is social science after all; time marches on and we build our knowledge cumulatively, on the shoulders of giants as…
Posted by kelnersj on May 22, 2014 in Media, Pew, religion
A Lexicon in Flux
Sh’ma February 2010, Issue no. 666: Do-it Yourself Judaism This new creative enterprise that has been variously referred to as start-ups, emergents, and the innovation ecosystem is now being called DIY, Do-It-Yourself, a term with roots in the subculture of punk music. Drawing on the lexicon of punk rock offers an important counterbalance to a…
Posted by kelnersj on September 28, 2011 in Media, jewish innovation, jewish leadership, op-eds
Serious Fun
The Jerusalem Post June 28, 2010 When Birthright was launched a decade ago, skeptics dismissed the 10-day tours of Israel as little more than a free party for privileged college kids. It was an unfair critique, but it gained traction because it combined the ever popular lament about the “youth of today” with an equally…
Posted by kelnersj on June 28, 2010 in Media, Birthright Israel, book, diaspora, israel, op-eds, tourism
So Near, So Far
New York Jewish Week
May 12, 2010
A traveler’s quiz: When American Jewish tourists arrive at Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport, which two words are they more likely to be greeted with?
A) “Welcome home!”
B) “Passport, please.”
Resist the temptation to choose “A.”
Posted by kelnersj on May 12, 2010 in Media, Birthright Israel, book, diaspora, israel, op-eds, tourism
The Place of Cultural Production
Sh’ma June 2007, Issue no. 642: Place, Space, and the Shaping of American Judaism From Congregation B’nai Jeshurun to Heeb Magazine, New York is producing a new urban Jewish culture defined through shelilat haparbar, the “negation of the suburbs.” But can a culture defined in opposition to the suburbs revitalize Jewish life there? Read more…
Posted by kelnersj on June 30, 2007 in Media, jewish innovation, new york, op-eds, space/place, synagogues
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