Special live music returns to campus with COVID protocol-compliant performance
Students and faculty from Vanderbilt Blair School of Music and a Jewish studies class hosted a COVID protocol-compliant live music performance on April 8. Full story and video here.
Posted by kelnersj on April 12, 2021 in In the News, Media, arts, Covid-19, pedagogy
Drink Prey Lust
Wexner Foundation Blog, March 15, 2016. Purim is a festival of inversion, a time when the lowly are honored, the esteemed are mocked, the serious is parodied, and the forbidden is — for a moment — permissible. By turning things upside down for a day, Purim reaffirms what right-side-up should look like. It is only…
Posted by kelnersj on March 15, 2016 in Media, pedagogy, religion, ritual
Seeing Jewish Studies Through Christian Students’ Writing
From the Brandeis University Mandel Center’s blog, “Learning about Learning”, Jan. 6, 2015: The Zohar may seem an unlikely text to use for the first session of a 100-level Introduction to Jewish Studies class. I chose to open with it, however, for three reasons… Continue Reading »
Posted by kelnersj on January 6, 2015 in Media, education, pedagogy
Historical Perspectives on Diaspora Homeland Tourism: ‘Israel Experience’ Education in the 1950s and 1960s
2013. In Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education 7(2): 99–113. Homeland tourism is a powerful medium of diasporic education. Yet efforts to understand the enterprise are hampered by neglect of the field’s history. This article contributes to the historiography of diaspora homeland tourism by examining the emergence American Jewish educational tours of Israel in the 1950s and…
Posted by kelnersj on April 23, 2014 in Articles, Research, articles, Birthright Israel, diaspora, education, israel, pedagogy, tourism
Beyond the Field Trip: Teaching Tourism through Tours
2009. Teaching Sociology 37(2):136-150. With George Sanders. A course in the sociology of tourism offers an opportunity to examine a world-transforming force that is penetrating more and more aspects of social life. It also offers an opportunity to create a learning environment that uses the object of study as the medium of study. This article…
Posted by kelnersj on September 23, 2011 in Articles, Research, articles, pedagogy, SOC 218, tourism
Jewish Educational Travel
2008. Drawing on anthropological research on travel and tourism, this chapter offers a theoretical groundwork for articulating a program of research in Jewish educational travel, broadly conceived. Shaul Kelner. 2008. “Jewish Educational Travel.” Pages 423-432 in What We Now Know About Jewish Education: Perspectives on Research for Practice. Edited by Roberta Louis Goodman, Paul J….
Posted by kelnersj on September 21, 2011 in Articles, Chapters, Research, chapters, pedagogy, tourism
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