

Review of The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age

Review of Daniel Levy and Natan Sznaider’s The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age (Temple University Press, 2005) 2007. Social Forces 86(2):873-5 From the review: “’The past is not dead. It is not even past.’ Faulkner’s words might serve as the epigraph to the entire field of collective memory studies. Its key insights –…

Posted by on September 21, 2011 in Research, Reviews, ,


Review of Engaged Spirituality

Review of Gregory Stanczak’s Engaged Spirituality: Social Change and American Religion (Rutgers University Press, 2006) 2008. International Review of Modern Sociology 34(1):144-6 From the review: “When a book subtitled How Religion Poisons Everything nears the top of the best-seller lists, as Christopher Hitchens’ God is Not Great has, it is but one more indication that…

Posted by on September 21, 2011 in Research, Reviews, ,


Reconceptualizing Religious Change: Ethno-Apostasy and Change in Religion among American Jews

2006. Sociology of Religion 67(4): 507-24. With Benjamin Phillips. Drawing on data from the NJPS 2000-1, we argue that traditional approaches to the study of religious mobility – both apostasy and switching – are increasingly problematic. Apostasy from ethno-religious communities, in particular, must be refomulated to incorporate an ethnic dimension. Analyses using this revised concept…

Posted by on September 21, 2011 in Articles, Research, ,

Contemporary Jewry Journal Cover

The Impact of Israel Experience Programs on Israel’s Symbolic Meaning

2003-4. Contemporary Jewry 24: 124-154. Ethnographic study of Israel experience programs reveals processes by which Israel becomes cognitively and affectively meaningful to American Jews. A Durkheimian analysis suggests that feelings generated by an intense group experience are preserved in symbolic residue that re-evokes these feelings. For American Jewish travelers, Israel comes to serve as a…

Posted by on September 20, 2011 in Articles, Research, , , ,