Monthly Archives: January 2015

Night is on my mind

I made this image myself using Hubble space images available from NASA. From Boulder, CO, I have an undying love for the Broncos. Continue reading

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Intro Post

This is a picture of me and my four little sisters at my oldest sister’s senior night. You might notice the age gap between the 14 year old and the 4 year old twins… Getting twin sisters when I was a junior in high school has played a really big part in my development as […] Continue reading

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About Me: Additions to the Blog

Hello I’m Luke Chapman. I will be expanding this blog to include posts about Astronomy and this blog will cease to only be about science writing. I look forward to the new semester and I am excited about the direction this astronomy class is hea… Continue reading

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The Universe is too large for the scale

Reasoning out the Vast Size of the Universe The Universe is an interesting place that is constantly changing. In addition to it changing, people’s perceptions of the Universe have constantly been changing over time. For instance, the ancient belief of many famous philosophers was that the Universe was geocentric, meaning the Earth was located at […] Continue reading

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Jaclyn’s Intro Post

This is a picture I took with my DSLR camera. Photography is a hobby of mine that I pursue outside of classes and work. This picture was taken in the gardens of Mohonk Mountain located in New York. The rain…

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Introducing Me

This statue (which is super climbable!) can be found in a Benedictine monastery on the mountain of Montserrat in Spain. It represents a stairway to the heavens. To me, this statue demonstrates humanity’s desire to transcend both earthly circumst… Continue reading

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Astronomy 201 Intro Post

This is a picture of the cruise ship I was on over Winter Break 2014. I loved being able to see the stars at night; being out on the water away from the lights of the city made the night sky way more vivid and detailed than I am used to.
Photo: by me Continue reading

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Marissa’s Introductory Post

Good morning! This is a picture of an early morning at the barn where I work. It’s only about thirty minutes from school, but it’s nice being able to escape the traffic every once in a while and have a clear view. Continue reading

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About Me

This is a picture of one of my most cherished memories. My dad was able to procure tickets for the World Cup this past summer. He flew me down to Brasilia for the weekend so I could attend the third place match (Brazil vs. Netherlands) with him and my mom. This and other pictures from […] Continue reading

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