Monthly Archives: April 2017

Famous Comets

“Out to sea, the calm lagoon waters were darkening, while the comets overhead glowed brighter, omens in the gloaming.” ― Julian May, Perseus Spur A comet is an icy small body in the solar system that when passing close to the Sun, it produces a visible atmosphere or coma from a process called outgassing — Wikipedia. I always hope […] Continue reading

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Comets?! ☄️

Everyone got some basic knowledge about planets, stars, and asteroids at school, but not many people actually know much about comets. How are these things formed? Why do they have tails? How big are they? Stay with me if you want to find out. 🙂 Our entire Solar System was created by the collapse of […] Continue reading

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Our Solar System’s Closest Planetary Neighbor

Proxima b is a planet much like our own Continue reading

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The Dwarf Planet Pluto

Discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, Pluto was long regarded as the ninth planet of our solar system. However, after astronomers deepened their exploration of the intriguing worlds in the Kuiper belt, the icy Pluto was reclassified by IAU as a dwarf planet in 2006. Because additional objects in Kuiper belt has been discovered including […] Continue reading

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Hydrogen, Helium, and Everything Else

Learn all of the elements! Continue reading

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The Hale-Bopp Comet

Comet Hale-Bopp, also known as the The Great Comet of 1997, was a comet that appeared in – you guessed it – 1997. It was first discovered in 1995 by both Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, after whom it was named. It was first visible in mid 1996, but did not reach its brightest until […] Continue reading

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Climate Change & Global Warming

I believe that everyone knows that our planet’s climate is changing, and everyone has heard about terms such as “climate change” and “global warming”. Although it a very well known topic, I am not sure that most people are aware of why and what is happening, and how it affects our society. In this blog […] Continue reading

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Miraculous Arts in Space

I have a thing for picturesque, unique space landscape and pattern and there are two nebulae that has always been my favorite. Ever since I was in elementary school (that was when I learned about space), I found out that there are MANY beautiful and spectacular shapes of nebulae. Since then, I was hooked. Two … Continue reading Miraculous Arts in Space Continue reading

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The Epic Exploration of Voyager 2

Voyager 2 space probe was launched by NASA to study the outer solar. It was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida on August 20, 1977. The primary mission of Voyager 2 is to make flybys of the four Jovian planets in our solar system. Having visited the Jovian system in 1979, the Saturnian system in […] Continue reading

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Blog 6: Orion and the Space Launch System

NASA is building a new human spacecraft. The Orion spacecraft will carry humans farther than we’ve gone before. In 2014, Orion completed a two-orbit, four-hour flight to test its systems. Looking forward, Orion will launch from the Space Launch System. The Space Launch System (SLS) is the world’s most powerful rocket. Wow! In a series … Continue reading Blog 6: Orion and the Space Launch System Continue reading

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