Monthly Archives: January 2022

Blog 1: Chinese Zodiac

Zodiac is a belt-shaped region of the sky that extends approximately 8° north or south of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year. In astronomy, the zodiac is divided into 12 signs, each occupying 30° of celestial longitude and corresponding to one constellation.  In Chinese culture, it is similar that the zodiac […] Continue reading

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Cosmic Calendar Explained

Birthday’s are one of the most significant days for humans, it signifies the day that we’re born, and became really apart of the universe. But do we know the universe’s birthday? when was the universe created? to answer that question astrophysicists have been able to figure out that the age of the universe since the […] Continue reading

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Cloudy with a Chance of Space Weather?

Damaged satellites and electrical blackouts, what do they have in common? they both are victims of space weather. Space weather is originated from activity on the Sun’s surface and has impacts from anywhere between the surface of the Sun to the surface of the Earth. But how does a weather storm travel from the Sun […] Continue reading

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The Andromeda Galaxy

Learn more about the future of our galaxy Most people know that we live in the Milky Way galaxy, however many people do not know that we also live close to another galaxy called the Andromeda Galaxy. While we learned about this galaxy in class, I thought that it was interesting to learn that the […] Continue reading

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The Blood Moon: Cultural Significance

The phenomena that is called a “blood moon” occurs during a lunar eclipse, when the Earth blocks the path of sunlight heading towards the moon. This causes the Earth to cast its shadow over the moon. However, the reddish tint that appears during a blood moon occurs because of refracted sunlight by Earth’s atmosphere. Throughout […] Continue reading

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About Me

Hello!  My name is Christian and I am from Florida and am currently a senior at Vanderbilt majoring in economics. I am really excited to be enrolled in Dr. Grundstrom’s Solar System class and can’t wait to more about space. I am somewhat familiar with blogging as I had to blog for a pop science […] Continue reading

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Post 1 | Motions of the Universe

While some people may think of space as an unmoving void, the reality of the matter is that motion plays integral roles in the interactions between celestial bodies. In fact, space is moving constantly, and in a myriad of different ways. Earth moves on its axis; the planets in our solar system orbit around the […] Continue reading

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My first blog post for Astronomy 2110

This is my first blog post. With all of the new imaging technology becoming available through engineering, I thought that this was one of the coolest things modern astronomy has produced. From Wikipedia,, this image shows the black hole and the accretion disk, both of which were science fiction when my dad was growing […] Continue reading

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About Me – Jordan Ekstein

Hi I’m Jordan! A fun fact I always like to tell about myself is that I am a twin. This is a picture of me and my twin brother Tyler. Do you think we look alike? “By Me” I also love music. My favorite bands are Greta Van Fleet, Muna a… Continue reading

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Introductory Post

My Name is Alex and I am a Senior majoring in Physics and Economics and minoring in Business. This picture represents my favorite sports team – the Chicago Bears. Despite their lack of success I am still a loyal fan. Here’s hoping to better seasons in the future! Continue reading

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