Daily Archives: April 17, 2022

blog post 05

In 2006, Pluto was taken off the list of planets, leaving our Solar System with just 8 planets. This demotion occurred 76 years after Pluto was initially added to the list of planets. This decision by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined what objects could be classified as a planet. An object needs to be […] Continue reading

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Are Wormholes Possible?

What is a wormhole? A wormhole is a theoretical bridge joining two points in space-time that would create shortcuts for extremely long journeys throughout the universe. Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen back in 1935 came up with the idea and concluded that due to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, wormholes could exist. He concluded that […] Continue reading

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Fun Facts about Pluto

Pluto was discovered by the Lowell Observatory in 1930 From then until 2006, it was considered a planet, now it is considered a ‘dwarf planet’ During these 76 years, it only completed 1/3 of its orbit Pluto was named by an 11-year-old girl Pluto is the name of the Roman god governing the underworld Pluto […] Continue reading

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The Artemis Moon Rocket (Post 6)

NASA has continued ground tests this week for the Artemis I mega moon rocket. The rocket encountered a hydrogen leak on Thursday so it seems like there is still some improvements that must be made until the rocket is ready to be launched. The Artemis mission manager said that all of the problems that the […] Continue reading

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The Great Dark Spot

Jupiter’s ‘Great Red Spot’ is extremely famous, and it is very easily distinguishable when viewing Jupiter. However, there also exists another Great Spot, this time on Neptune: The Great Dark Spot. It is similar to the Great Red Spot as it is a result of a anticyclonic storm, however the storms on Neptune do not […] Continue reading

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Planet 9 (Post 5)

The Kuiper Belt is a doughnut shaped group of ice, rock, comets, and dwarf planets, beyond Neptune. There have been discussion recently about whether there is a ninth planet within the Kuiper Belt. These discussions began back in 1846 after the discovery of Neptune, but they became more focused when it was discovered that the […] Continue reading

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C/2014 UN2071: Largest Discovered Comet

Scientists in the past week have confirmed the size of the largest comet ever discovered. It is measured to stretch over 80 miles wide (wider than the state of Rhode Island) and weigh 500 trillion tons- 100,000x more than the typical comet. The comet was originally discovered back in 2014 when it was still 3Continue reading “C/2014 UN2071: Largest Discovered Comet” Continue reading

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New Horizons Still Bringing New Discoveries

It’s been nearly 7 years now since the New Horizons spacecraft made its fly-by of Pluto, and even though it now finds itself in the remote parts of the Kuiper Belt (over 50 AU from the sun!), the photos it took of Pluto are still helping scientists today uncover new mysteries about the icy planet.Continue reading “New Horizons Still Bringing New Discoveries” Continue reading

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Blog #6: Enceladus’s Tiger Stripes

The Cassini Spacecraft revealed dramatic geysers spewing from Enceladus’s tiger stripes, horizontal, nearly parallel fissures near the moon’s south pole, in 2006. It was believed that these may have been caused by “cryo-volcanism” (icy volcanos!), but new research suggests that it may be caused by the changes in the eccentricity of Enceladus’s orbit over 100 […] Continue reading

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Blog #5: AR Aur b (protoplanet formation caught in action!)

As we have been able to look farther outside of our neighborhood of the solar system, our understanding of extrasolar planets and the formation of other planetary systems has had to undergo questions and testing to ensure that our hypothesis is reasonable. The surprising orbits of some extrasolar planets has caused some such questioning, such […] Continue reading

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