Monthly Archives: May 2022


Astrobiology is such a fascinating subject because some people may not even believe there is a need for this subject in the first place. This is because astrobiology is the study of life found throughout the universe. When the argument is presented that there is no life found outside of the Earth, my first thought […] Continue reading

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Wrapping Up

Looking back at my first post on this blog, it’s cool to see that my first and last posts touched on black holes. I accomplished exactly what I set out to do: answer questions that I wouldn’t otherwise set the time aside for. The most exciting part of the whole process is that I have […] Continue reading

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Astrobiology – Indicators of Life on Other Worlds

Astrobiology studies the past, present, and future of life in the universe. One facet of this interdisciplinary field is considering the possibility of life on other planets or worlds. Scientists utilize research in biology, chemistry, astronomy, and cosmology to help determine if life could exist elsewhere in the universe, and if so, how we can […] Continue reading

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Where is Everyone?

The Fermi Paradox was developed in 1950 by the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi. The paradox itself refers to the notion that if there is an extremely high possibility of life outside of Earth, then why have humans not discovered evidence of other intelligent life forms. This could be for a multitude of different reasons such […] Continue reading

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What I’ve learned

Walking into astronomy class in late January, I was not even sure if I would be able to name the eight planets in our solar system. It is safe to say that I’ve learned a lot. I think the most important thing I learned is how big our universe really is and how everything explains […] Continue reading

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Alien civilizations. How many are there?

Throughout my life, I have always been curious of what lies beyond our sky and more importantly who lies there? After discussing the Drake Equation in class and also the probabilities and alignments necessary for there to be life, I am going to address this topic. According to the Guardian, scientists say that the amount […] Continue reading

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Wrapping Up Solar System

One of the biggest takeaways I have from the Solar System course is how different perspectives can be, and how they can really shape the way we think about not only space-related topics but life in general. The picture above is a prime example of perspective as almost everything we know about space is viewed […] Continue reading

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Culminating (Post 8)

Throughout the course of this semester I have had the opportunity to learn so much about our Solar System as well as the universe as a whole. Blogging about current events in astronomy has taught me a lot about the projects that are being funded and the steps astronomers are taking to research new areas. […] Continue reading

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Extremophiles (Post 7)

Extremophiles are types of organisms that can survive in abnormal or extreme conditions. The picture above is a popular tourist destination in Yellowstone National Park known as “Grand Prismatic Spring.” The spring is extremely hot at 160 degrees Fahrenheit but it is famous for its vibrant colors. These colors are actually caused by a type […] Continue reading

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Black Hole Systems

Stars are capable of being pulled into the orbit of black holes due to their incredible mass. As the stars begin to orbit the black hole, mass from the star is pulled towards the black hole in the form of gas from the star’s atmosphere. NASA believes that the black hole collects the mass asContinue reading “Black Hole Systems” Continue reading

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