Monthly Archives: May 2022

The Myths of the Fermi Paradox

For decades, the Fermi Paradox has been cited as evidence that if other intelligent life existed out there in our universe they would have inevitably made their way to Earth by now as a part of interstellar exploration or colonization. The paradox is named for Enrico Fermi, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist credited with building theContinue reading “The Myths of the Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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The Future of Space: Defense and Exploration

Our recent studies of impacts and life in the universe have made me consider the future of astronomy and space travel. The incessant threat of a catastrophic impact means that there will always be a focus on impactor defense here on Earth, and humanity’s natural urge for expansion and exploration will surely result in futureContinue reading “The Future of Space: Defense and Exploration” Continue reading

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Fermi Paradox Answered?! (not clickbait)

After hastily copy pasting “Fermi Paradox” into my search bar when I saw it was a potential topic for blogging, the results I found gave me an exciting opportunity. Understanding why we haven’t detected aliens seemed right up the alley of Kurzgesagt, a youtube channel that specializes in the intersection of physics and philosophy. Luckily […] Continue reading

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Extremophiles: The Deinococcus Radiodurans

Extremophiles are organisms that live in extreme environments; these environments are usually under high pressure and temperature. These organisms use certain enzymes, ‘extremozymes’, that help them exist in such an intense environment. Extremophiles were more prominent in the evolutionary history of the planet. They date back to more than 40 million years ago, and they…Continue reading » Continue reading

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Fermi’s Paradox

Fermi’s paradox is the paradox where is there is no clear evidence for extraterrestrial life. This paradox was named after physicist Enrico Fermi, who made the point that we hadn’t seen any extraterrestrials. Where is everybody else? The Fermi paradox has possible solutions that are split into 3 categories: we are alone; civilizations are common,…Continue reading » Continue reading

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Where are all the Aliens? Natural and Self-Inflicted Explanations for the Fermi Paradox

Broadly speaking, our views on the probability of extraterrestrial life have gotten more optimistic over time due to a long series of discoveries that have increased our estimates for the size of the universe, the frequency of planets, the frequency of liquid water on worlds, and the ability for life to thrive in extreme conditions.Continue reading “Where are all the Aliens? Natural and Self-Inflicted Explanations for the Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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The Future of Space Travel – The Skyhook

Infrastructure is everywhere. Most every way of transport that we consider using regularly has immense infrastructure. Cars have roads, trains have rails and stations, and airplanes have airports and runways. But with space travel, we take the brute force method, spending immense amounts of money and forcing a rocket to defy gravity and get itself …

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The Fermi Paradox : Are We Alone?

The Fermi Paradox Picture The universe is magnificently huge, and hence should have countless opportunities for life to develop, but that then begs the question, where are all the aliens? Due to the expansion of the universe being faster than the speed of life, there may be life throughout many galaxies, or even most of …

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The Egg

A man named Andy Weir, created an idea of life and the universe called, The Egg. The story starts out with a man dying in a car crash and coming face to face with what seems to be God. Immediately this person begins asking about their family and the life they left behind along with […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox attempts to describe why we have not made contact/found any intelligent life although the conservative estimate for how many intelligent civilizations there are throughout the universe is ten million billion. This theory is completely based on speculative math using the data we know about our universe. The paradox also describes Types of […] Continue reading

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