Monthly Archives: March 2024

Atmospheres and the Greenhouse Effect – Cameron Klein

When I used to think of planets, the planets’ atmospheres were typically the last things that would cross my mind. However, a planet’s atmosphere is a defining feature of it’s qualities. To start off, what even is an atmosphere? An atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds a planet (or planetary body) that is […] Continue reading

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Blog on Chapters 1-2

I always thought that the seasons were caused only because of where Earth is or isn’t closest to the sun. But other things go into it than just distance, since it is only a small part of the reason. The main reason for the seasons is because of Earth’s axis tilt. One of the common […] Continue reading

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The Universe’s Greatest Mystery That Threatens the Fabric of Physics

Wikipedia The foundational aspect of science is that a scientific theory that explains something about the natural world must be repeatedly tested and confirmed. If it cannot apply to every situation that meets the requisite parameters, then it is not a theory. Some information or calibration is missing, and the theory will be refined. Dark […] Continue reading

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Walking on the Giant Planets

In class, we have been learning a lot about the different kinds of planets and what makes them have their unique characteristics. But did you know that if possible to send people to the Giant Planets, you would not be able to walk on them? One of the characteristics of the Giant Planets is that […] Continue reading

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Life On? Venus

Venus is known as Earth’s sister planet due to their similar sizes and structures, but Venus is a very different world than what we know on Earth. As NASA notes, if you were to slice both Venus and Earth down the middle, their interiors would be very similar, but their surfaces are much different. One […] Continue reading

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Intelligent Life Isn’t About Blind Luck. It’s About Probability.

ARS Technia The thought of other sentient life existing in the universe is one that comes up often. Among the religious crowd, many will argue that Earth’s existence is a perfect result of divine influence, that if just a few things were a bit different, we wouldn’t have evolved as we have done. Yes, we […] Continue reading

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Life on Europa??

One of humanity’s greatest wonders is if life could exist outside of Earth. Surely humans are not the only living creatures to exist in the entire universe, but where could other organisms flourish? Scientists have identified three key criteria that make life possible: liquid water, chemistry, and energy. Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons and the […] Continue reading

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