Author Archives: camsto42

Blog 8: Planet Womb Discovery

Wombed Planet This weird picture is set to resemble a massive planet scientists have just discovered. This planet is about nine times the size of Jupiter, and its in its very early stage of formation. This star was discovered through the use of a Hawaiian telescope, and it was discovered floating “unusually far” from its […] Continue reading

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Blog 7: Drake Equation

The Drake equation, as we know, has served to estimate the amount of possible intelligent life in the universe. Up to this point, we only know of one, us. We were previously searching for life by looking for radio signals. But obviously, we have not had success with this. Despite this, a new method of […] Continue reading

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Blog 6: Asteroids

On this Tuesday, April 5th, an asteroid the size of a house flew by the Earth. This asteroid flew by 79,000 miles away from us, which is actually pretty close. That distance is around 1/3 the distance between us and the Moon. Although there is always some panic that an asteroid could hit Earth, this […] Continue reading

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Blog 5: Pluto

Pluto is a very weird, and unknown “mass”. Since being alive, our generation has known Pluto as the 9th planet of the solar system, and now as a giant rock, or dwarf planet. Despite this, Pluto has some very cool features that aren’t seen other places in the solar system, such as Ice Volcanos. Although […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Black Holes

Black holes have always been a topic that interests me, and this article gives some very cool insight to a possible cause for the formation of these black holes. Most black holes have been found to form as the result of stars collapsing, and then when matter in multiple black holes collides, these black holes […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Climate Change

Astronomy has been around for many many years, as we have learned in class. Astronomy used to be a hobby for the wealthy, now it is an occupation for the smartest to learn about the universe we are in. One major facet that astronomers have observed and questioned is climate change. Recently, it has become […] Continue reading

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Blog 2: Tidal Changes

Water tides are a very interesting topic, yet most people think very shallow about them. Previously, all I knew or cared about tides was whether it was safe to go in the water. After a little research, I learned how important they are in terms of climate change. Humans recently have been dramatically altering the […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler

Jamestown being founded in 1607, was one of the first cities in America

The Turkish fleet attacked Cyprus in the War on Venice

This all showed what was most important in the 16th and 17th century, and how astronomy factore… Continue reading

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Blog 1

The scale, and “end points” to our universe, is widely unknown. Because as humans have not ventured or seen any type of universe ending barrier, the question of infinity comes into play. One common assumption that a human naïve to the theories of astronomy would have is that the universe is never ending. This, however, […] Continue reading

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Cams Blog 0

Google Images

This is a beautiful photo contrasting the green plain and the blue sky. When I see this I just want to sprint for miles.
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