Author Archives: hellouniverse1234

Mass Extinction, Soon?

It’s no secret that that an asteroid impact 65 million years ago caused a chain of environmental disasters. Countless species were driven to extinction, evaporated by the impact, suffocated by volcanic ash, eradicated by the rapid climate change. It’s unlikely that we’ll ever have the technology to predict when the next extinction event will happen. […] Continue reading

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Mass Extinction, Soon?

It’s no secret that that an asteroid impact 65 million years ago caused a chain of environmental disasters. Countless species were driven to extinction, evaporated by the impact, suffocated by volcanic ash, eradicated by the rapid climate change. It’s unlikely that we’ll ever have the technology to predict when the next extinction event will happen. […] Continue reading

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Life in Our Solar System

One of the biggest questions that philosophers and scientists alike ask: Are we alone in the universe? Is it possible that there’s sentient life outside of our small blue planet? The Fermi Paradox asks us this question. The universe is so big. Using even the most conservative estimations of exoplanets in the habitable zone, calculations […] Continue reading

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Life in Our Solar System

One of the biggest questions that philosophers and scientists alike ask: Are we alone in the universe? Is it possible that there’s sentient life outside of our small blue planet? The Fermi Paradox asks us this question. The universe is so big. Using even the most conservative estimations of exoplanets in the habitable zone, calculations […] Continue reading

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Footprints on the Moon

Going to the moon – a feat that was never even dreamed by our ancestors. It seems unthinkable. Being able to go to something so far away. Being able to survive the harshness of space, even just momentarily inside a puffy marshmallow suit. It was unthinkable, a few centuries ago. But now we have evidence: […] Continue reading

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Footprints on the Moon

Going to the moon – a feat that was never even dreamed by our ancestors. It seems unthinkable. Being able to go to something so far away. Being able to survive the harshness of space, even just momentarily inside a puffy marshmallow suit. It was unthinkable, a few centuries ago. But now we have evidence: […] Continue reading

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Walking on Diamonds

At some point in their life, every girl (or guy, I’m not judging!) wants a beautiful diamond on her finger. Not only are they shiny, sparkly, and oh-so-shimmery, but also incredibly expensive and valuable – from a material’s standpoint. But out there, floating out in the depths of the universe, exists a planet created with […] Continue reading

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Walking on Diamonds

At some point in their life, every girl (or guy, I’m not judging!) wants a beautiful diamond on her finger. Not only are they shiny, sparkly, and oh-so-shimmery, but also incredibly expensive and valuable – from a material’s standpoint. But out there, floating out in the depths of the universe, exists a planet created with […] Continue reading

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Venus – Is it Habitable?

When you think about humans moving to other planets, your train of thought probably leads you to think about Mars. Sending spacecrafts to Mars, talks of terraforming Mars, the works. But another planet that has been a subject of many science fiction stories is none other than Earth’s sister planet: Venus. Venus’ surface is hostile. […] Continue reading

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Venus – Is it Habitable?

When you think about humans moving to other planets, your train of thought probably leads you to think about Mars. Sending spacecrafts to Mars, talks of terraforming Mars, the works. But another planet that has been a subject of many science fiction stories is none other than Earth’s sister planet: Venus. Venus’ surface is hostile. […] Continue reading

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