Author Archives: Lauren

Blog #4: Telescopes

Even though I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, I have never taken the time to visit the renowned Griffith Observatory until this past winter break.  After my trip, I found my awestruck in wonder by the breathtaking beauty of the night sky.  It is difficult to see stars in the city since […] Continue reading

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Blog Post #3: Defying Gravity

It always blew my mind that despite the vastness of the universe, there was a central force that centered it all.  Just thinking about how far away the sun is from the earth, but how a certain force (gravity) can still pull the two together past the distance to create an orbit and a revolution […] Continue reading

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Corner with Copernicus: Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicholas Copernicus graced world with his presence by entering the world on February 19, 1473.  Sadly, he passed away May 24, 1543.  Copernicus was a radical man who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he believed in.  Despite the prospect of being excommunicated and condemned by the church as a heretic for his revolutionary […] Continue reading

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Blog Post #1: I’m just a small girl in a HUGE world

It is difficult to even fathom how great the universe is in comparison to our small beings here on earth.  The fact that we are only limited to the observable universe, which means that there is a possibility for mankind to have not even witnessed the extent of the universe is mind blowing.  The fact […] Continue reading

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Blog Post #2: Solstices and Equinoxes

As in the olden days, the sun was used to measure and chart the passing of time.  The sun is the life-source for all living things here on earth and is a vital part of the ecosystem.  The fact that the length, intensity, and the spot of the sun’s glow on earth determines the seasons, […] Continue reading

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Blog Post #0: Hi world!

I went to Ecuador this Thanksgiving Break with Vanderbilt’s Manna Project.  It was a life-changing trip where we worked on building a greenhouse out of recyclable material. Continue reading

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