Author Archives: joeangella13

A New Discovery in the World of Extremophiles

Geologists have recently discovered an entire new species of extremophiles among us on planet earth, and the location may shock you. More than 500 km away from nutrients and sunlight, these extremophiles have made a home beneath the Antarctic ice shelf (SOURCE). While this discovery was not meant to actually happen, scientists are pleasantly surprisedContinue reading “A New Discovery in the World of Extremophiles” Continue reading

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What does Pluto’s blue haze originate from?

Within the past year, new theories and suggestions have been proposed as to why Pluto’s atmosphere appears to have a blue haze. Before we get into any of the results from this theory, it is important to understand how we even got here in the first place. In a recent video that we watched inContinue reading “What does Pluto’s blue haze originate from?” Continue reading

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The Journeyman of ALL Comets

In the past few weeks, scientists have revealed a major discovery about details from a comet that we have now identified came from an entirely different Solar System! This comet has been deemed as, “more pristine,” than any other comets examined by scientists, simply from the properties of its origin. (Independent) The comet has beenContinue reading “The Journeyman of ALL Comets” Continue reading

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The Next Ice Age?

As we all know, the sun is an incredibly vital part of our daily lives and is the, “constant force that is keeping our planets in orbit, providing Earth with just the right amount of light and warmth for life…” and even governs our daily schedules in which we have created the concept of timeContinue reading “The Next Ice Age?” Continue reading

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Putting the “Super” in Supernova

Within the past year, astronomers have made an incredible discovery about 4.5 million light years away from us. A supernova, but not just any supernova, the most powerful supernova recorded in history ever spotted by astronomers. This explosion is so powerful that astronomers did not even know that it was possible to have such aContinue reading “Putting the “Super” in Supernova” Continue reading

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A New Method of Fighting Cancer?

While absorption spectra can often be associated with the use of identifying particular patterns in which gases absorb the energy from a light source, we must also acknowledge that the chemical composition of certain elements can be determined depending on where the lines are present within a absorption spectra. Interesting developments are currently taking placeContinue reading “A New Method of Fighting Cancer?” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei made many significant contributions to the field of astronomy studies. Primarily, he was able to offer new knowledge on laws of circular motion and inertia which served as a catalyst to the further studying of motion. Additionally, he utilized telescopic conformation in understanding the phases of Venus, analyzed sun spots, Saturn’s rings, andContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Christopher Columbus and The Blood Moon

Credit: Google Images “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” We all have heard of this popular rhyme in order to help us remember the voyage in which Christopher Columbus took on his journey to the New Americas. However, some fail to realize in history that Columbus very well may have never returned from thisContinue reading “Christopher Columbus and The Blood Moon” Continue reading

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Introductory Post

Hello everyone! This is my introductory post for my blog page “Angella Astronomy”. I am a first year planning to major in HOD and minor in Spanish and business but look forward to an exciting semester by diving into The Solar Systems in ASTR2110. Also…enjoy my lacrosse highlights HERE Credit: VIA TWITTER Continue reading

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