Author Archives: kjackson1456


Jupiter has a total of 53 named moons. That is more than any other planet in our solar system. The four largest moons ( Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede) are called the Galilean Satellites. They were named after the astronomer Galileo who first discovered them. These four each have distinct characteristics that distinguish them fromContinue reading “ExploreMoons” Continue reading

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Astrobiology is the study of life in the universe. A true interdisciplinary study, astrobiology combines elements of many fields of science such as astronomy, biology, chemistry, and geology—just to name a few. Astrobiology seeks to answer some of life’s biggest questions such as: Do extraterrestrial beings exist? Comparatively speaking, astrobiology as an official discipline isContinue reading “ExploreTheUniverse” Continue reading

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In astrology, ruling planets are the specifically designated planet for each of the zodiacs. Since there are 12 zodiac signs and only 7 planets, some share the same planet such as Libra and Taurus who are both ruled by the planet Venus. Each planet is said to have a distinct energy that affect us atContinue reading “ExploreVenus” Continue reading

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Explore Giants

Earth may seem special to us, but it is just one of a near countless number of planets in our universe—a rather small one at that. Giant planets are those planets that dwarf Earth in size. They are gaseous bodies, meaning that they are primarily composed out of a swirling combination of gasses held togetherContinue reading “Explore Giants” Continue reading

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Life in Libra

Libra season is defined as the time when the when our sun passes through the libra constellation. This period starts on September 23 and ends on October 23. It is believed that balance is best achieved during this time as the Libra Zodiac is said to represent balance, justice, and harmony. Also, Libra is believedContinue reading “Life in Libra” Continue reading

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It might surprise you to know that the sun is over 90 million miles away from us! That’s right: something that far away is able to provide us with life-saving light and warmth. A process called nuclear fusion is responsible for the sun’s tremendous heat and brilliant shine. Though it may look different from otherContinue reading “ExploreSol” Continue reading

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Retrograde Motion

Those in the realm of astrology are more than familiar with Mercury retrograde. During these unsettling periods, Mercury’s influence over matters of transportation and communication is altered which causes many unfortunate issues to arise. That is, of course, astrology’s interpretation of retrograde motion. In astronomy, retrograde motion simply describes the reversed direction planets seem toContinue reading “Retrograde Motion” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei was born on February 15th, 1564 and died on November 15th, 1630. Galileo, operating in a world of general ignorance surrounding the concepts of physics, is held as the father of modern physics. His early (and somewhat rough) discoveries in astronomy solidified the idea that the sun was the center of our universe—notContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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The Speed of Light: Blasting Towards the Weighted Scales

Light travels at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second. At this speed, you could literally travel the circumference of the Earth 7 times in ONE second! The libra constellation is located approximately 40,000 light years away from earth. A light year is the distance traveled by light in a year (which is aboutContinue reading “The Speed of Light: Blasting Towards the Weighted Scales” Continue reading

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Your Favorite Libra

Welcome to my blog, I am Keyvon Jackson and this blog will focus on exploring concepts in astronomy as they relate to ideas in astronomy. The purpose of this is to express my fascination with certain celestial bodies while learning more about the processes concerning their creation and current activity. Through this blog, I hopeContinue reading “Your Favorite Libra” Continue reading

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