Author Archives: lucasliu6


The Seager Equation, an innovative idea conceived by esteemed astrophysicist Dr. Sara Seager, presents a fresh perspective in the search for habitable exoplanets and alien life. Diverging from the well-established Drake Equation, which predicts the number of communicative civilizations, the Seager Equation hones in on the abundance of exoplanets with detectable biosignature gases—a hint of […] Continue reading

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Astrobiology delves into some of the most profound questions concerning our existence, transcending traditional scientific disciplines to explore life beyond our planet. This enthralling field investigates the astonishing implications of extremophiles, organisms that withstand Earth’s harshest environments. These extraordinary life forms reveal an unimaginable variety of adaptive strategies, raising the possibility that life could thrive […] Continue reading

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Blog6: Kuiper Belt objects

The expansive Kuiper Belt, located beyond Neptune’s orbit, has intrigued astronomers as it offers insights into the early stages of our solar system’s formation. Home to numerous icy celestial bodies known as Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), this region presents crucial information for understanding the development and composition of our cosmic environment. KBOs, encompassing dwarf planets […] Continue reading

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Blog5: Pluto

Since its unveiling in 1930, Pluto has occupied a special role in our exploration and understanding of the solar system. Although it no longer retains its status as the ninth planet, this mysterious celestial object has piqued the interest of astronomers, researchers, and the wider public through its elaborate geological features and ever-evolving atmosphere. In […] Continue reading

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Blog:4 Aurora

The aurora is a natural phenomenon that has fascinated both scientists and the general public for a long time. When charged particles from the Sun collide with the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, it leads to the emission of colorful light in the sky. However, the aurora is not just an aesthetically pleasing sight but […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: composition of the Solar System

The Solar System is an extraordinary marvel of the universe, a collection of celestial objects that has captured the curiosity of scientists, and the imagination of people for generations. The composition of these objects holds vital clues to understanding the origins of the Solar System and the processes that have shaped it over billions of […] Continue reading

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Blog2: Telescopes of all kinds

There are many different types of telescopes, each designed for a specific purpose. Here are some of the most common types: Conclusion Each type of telescope has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which one to use depends on the specific observing goals and requirements of the astronomer. Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Introduction to Galileo Galilei Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de’ Galilei (15 February 1564 – 8 January 1642) He observed the sky with a telescope. With the telescope, he discovered that the moon has mountains, canyons, and craters. He also found the phases of Venus and sunspots. Moreover, he detected the Milky way galaxy which is made up […] Continue reading

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Blog1: Chinese summer solstice

The summer solstice occurs when one of Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt toward the sun. Since prehistory, the summer solstice has been viewed as a significant time of year in lots of cultures, and has been marked by festivals and rituals. About the Chinese summer solstice: In ancient China, this was the time for […] Continue reading

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Winter break! Me and my high school friend went to denver during the holiday for snowboarding. The resort was wonderful! What a meaningful trip. Continue reading

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