Category Archives: Class

Blog 4: Interstellar Travel?

Whether you’re an astronomer, scientist, or in a completely unrelated field, the idea of interstellar travel probably intrigues you in some way. Why wouldn’t it? The universe is so grand and diverse that venturing outside of our solar system would likely yield fascinating results. There is only one problem: feasibility. With our current technologies, we […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Lander probes

Landing of Mars Perseverance Rover The lander probe is a fascinating feat of human engineering. These probes are designed to do a multitude of tasks in order to properly carry out their mission. Let’s work our way backwards. Lander probes, once on the surface of the targeted celestial body, are designed to gather a multitude […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: All Things Venus!

Venus is the second planet from the sun, as well as the second of the Terrestrial planets, meaning it is high density, low radius, and low radius compared to the Jovian planets. Some quick facts about Venus include the following: As described above, Venus’s atmosphere is incredibly thick, which makes circulation efficient in transporting heat […] Continue reading

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From collapse to solar system

Once upon a time, there was a huge interstellar cloud of cold, low-density gas called the solar nebula. This solar nebula came about from billions of years of galactic recycling, and consists of about 98% hydrogen and helium and 2% other random elements. The solar nebula collapsed under its own gravity, and BOOM! the Sun […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Nuclear Fusion

The sun is the greatest, most massive, hottest thing in our world. But how does it even work?? I’m gonna be totally honest, I’m not a big science guy so I’ve never really had the change to answer this question. But Chapter 14 gives us an in depth explanation of how the sun functions through […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Explaining Relativistic time dilation

Time seems to be one of the only immutable aspects of the universe, besides death and taxes. Many people believe that the passage of time is altogether unstoppable and unyielding. And for most intensive purposes, they are right. Indeed, time is our most precious resource and one that many of believe we have an extremely […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Equilibrium and the stability of earth

The formation of Earth and its current sustainability as they only known life-sustaining body in the universe have been caused by a number of extremely specific conditions which combine to make our planet the only one on which life is known to thrive. In this post, I will survey two of the specific conditions on […] Continue reading

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Walking on the Giant Planets

In class, we have been learning a lot about the different kinds of planets and what makes them have their unique characteristics. But did you know that if possible to send people to the Giant Planets, you would not be able to walk on them? One of the characteristics of the Giant Planets is that […] Continue reading

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Life On? Venus

Venus is known as Earth’s sister planet due to their similar sizes and structures, but Venus is a very different world than what we know on Earth. As NASA notes, if you were to slice both Venus and Earth down the middle, their interiors would be very similar, but their surfaces are much different. One […] Continue reading

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Intelligent Life Isn’t About Blind Luck. It’s About Probability.

ARS Technia The thought of other sentient life existing in the universe is one that comes up often. Among the religious crowd, many will argue that Earth’s existence is a perfect result of divine influence, that if just a few things were a bit different, we wouldn’t have evolved as we have done. Yes, we […] Continue reading

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