Category Archives: General

Pluto and its interesting property.

  Once thought as the 9th planet of our solar system, Pluto is a dwarf planet and is part of the Kuiper belt. The first discovery of this dwarf planet was in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. Until 2005, Pluto was considered as the 9th planet of the solar system. However, as another dwarf planet called … Continue reading Pluto and its interesting property. Continue reading

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Pluto and its interesting property.

  Once thought as the 9th planet of our solar system, Pluto is a dwarf planet and is part of the Kuiper belt. The first discovery of this dwarf planet was in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. Until 2005, Pluto was considered as the 9th planet of the solar system. However, as another dwarf planet called … Continue reading Pluto and its interesting property. Continue reading

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What is St. Elmo’s Fire?

What is St. Elmo’s Fire? Well its not a 1980s “brat pack” movie, and it certainly has nothing to do with Sesame Street. In fact, St. Elmo’s Fire is a fascinating weather phenomenon that results from electrical charges in Earth’s atmosphere.  During (or shortly before/after) a thunderstorm, the difference in electrical charges between the air…

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We Are Not Alone. (Probably)

    Life: one of the most unique, hard to find things in the universe. We have so much life on Earth, but it’s often something we take for granted. In the 200,000 years humans have existed on Earth, we have not found any evidence of life outside of our planet. Considering how vast and […] Continue reading

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The Sun and the solar atmosphere.

The solar system is special in that it only has one star, the Sun, while most other systems have at least 2 stars. Because the Sun is very important not only for maintaining the solar system, but also for providing energy to keep the lives on Earth, it is important to know what comprises of … Continue reading The Sun and the solar atmosphere. Continue reading

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The Sun and the solar atmosphere.

The solar system is special in that it only has one star, the Sun, while most other systems have at least 2 stars. Because the Sun is very important not only for maintaining the solar system, but also for providing energy to keep the lives on Earth, it is important to know what comprises of … Continue reading The Sun and the solar atmosphere. Continue reading

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The Odds of Finding Life Outside of Earth

While we assume that there is no life on other planets in our solar system, the probability that there is life somewhere out there seems pretty high. It is a difficult question because we know how special earth is. It is the perfect distance away from the sun for life to form. If the Earth’s … Continue reading The Odds of Finding Life Outside of Earth Continue reading

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Tides and their effect on human life

People around the world aim to predict the highest and lowest tides using tide tables. Spring tides happen due to the gravitational pull from both the moon and sun. When the moon and sun are pulling from the same direction, the tide is more intense and this is called a spring tide. This usually occurs … Continue reading Tides and their effect on human life Continue reading

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Gravitational Lens by astronomical objects.

A gravitational lens is an observed image of light that is bent into a circle around the gravitational objects. The general relativity theory or the curvature of the space time is used to explain this amazing phenomena. When there is a sufficiently large gravitational objects such as stars, black holes and celestial bodies in the … Continue reading Gravitational Lens by astronomical objects. Continue reading

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Gravitational Lens by astronomical objects.

A gravitational lens is an observed image of light that is bent into a circle around the gravitational objects. The general relativity theory or the curvature of the space time is used to explain this amazing phenomena. When there is a sufficiently large gravitational objects such as stars, black holes and celestial bodies in the … Continue reading Gravitational Lens by astronomical objects. Continue reading

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