Category Archives: Historical

Historical Astronomers in Context

1. I picked Tycho Brahe who was born in 1546 and died in 1601. Brahe info 2. Publication of the Book of Common Prayer. During Brahe’s time, there was the first publication of the Book of Common Prayer in the Church of England. Book of Common Prayer info 3. Also, during Brahe’s life time, Marin … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in Context Continue reading

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Kepler in Context

Kepler, during his lifetime from December 27th, 1571- November 15th, 1630,  made incredible contributions to the field of astronomy. His most famous and impactful contributions are certainly his observations regarding the motion of planets, which have been immortalized as Kepler’s Laws. His discoveries about planetary motion stated that planets move in elliptical orbits, they sweep out […] Continue reading

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Astronomy Is Old

Tycho Brahe So this guy was cool. He was born December 14. 1546 in Denmark and died October 24th, 1601 in Prague. He had a fake nose He gave showed us that temporary celestial happenings like supernovae and comets do not in fact exist inside Earth’s atmostphere as previously thought, but actually beyond the Moon. … Continue reading Astronomy Is Old Continue reading

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Newton in Context

Isaac Newton (Jan. 4, 1643 until Mar. 31, 1727) was an extremely important physicist and mathematician. Newton’s first major stride in his fields came in 1668, when he created the first reflecting telescope. His next major, and arguably most influential, work came in 1687 in the form of his book Principia. Principia is often called … Continue reading Newton in Context Continue reading

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Newton in Context

Isaac Newton (Jan. 4, 1643 until Mar. 31, 1727) was an extremely important physicist and mathematician. Newton’s first major stride in his fields came in 1668, when he created the first reflecting telescope. His next major, and arguably most influential, work came in 1687 in the form of his book Principia. Principia is often called … Continue reading Newton in Context Continue reading

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Copernicus in Context

Nicolaus Copernicus (b. 2/19/1473, d. 5/24/1543) is a man who revolutionized the field of astronomy. Unlike his contemporaries, who were satisfied with a Ptolemaic universe driven by Aristotelian physics, Copernicus wasted to understand the heavens and stars as accurately as possible. Although not the first to do so, Copernicus devised a new model for the … Continue reading Copernicus in Context Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) Born: December 14, 1546, Knutstorp Castle, Sweden Died: October 24, 1601, Prague, Czech Republic Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer and writer known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations. He developed instruments for measuring the position of stats and measured the position of 777 fixed stars. Things happened in that […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Tycho Brahe (December 14, 1546-October 24, 1601) was the best naked-eye observer of his time. He compiled a comprehensive list of stellar and planetary positions in the sky and noticed that the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn occurred two days after Copernicus had predicted it. He also observed and recorded a supernova. He was able […] Continue reading

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Blog #1 – Moon Myths

No other celestial body has quite the same reputation as our moon. The source of myths, legends, and ghost stories, the Moon is a symbol of superstition and wonder. We know that the Moon causes the rising and falling of the ocean tides, but could this mysterious master of the tides control something other than … Continue reading Blog #1 – Moon Myths Continue reading

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Moon Myths

No other celestial body has quite the same reputation as our moon. The source of myths, legends, and ghost stories, the Moon is a symbol of superstition and wonder. We know that the Moon causes the rising and falling of the ocean tides, but could this mysterious master of the tides control something other than … Continue reading Moon Myths Continue reading

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