Category Archives: Instruments

includes telescopes and space probes

Telescopes and Technology

Pictured above is an artists rendition of the James Webb telescope, a feat of modern technology that is to become the successor to the famous Hubble Telescope currently in orbit. While the Hubble was designed to observe relatively close astronomical phenomena, the JWST will be able to see much further. While at first this fact […] Continue reading

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Telescope Stuff

We’ve all had the urge. The urge to buy a camper, drive and drive till civilization disappears, and finally, under the starlit sky, to use the six foot telescope located in the back of the camper. Check it out. Picture That is how Man was meant to gaze at the stars. With a telescope lens … Continue reading Telescope Stuff Continue reading

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The IceCube

There is a special telescope located in Antarctica accurately called the IceCube that has a very specific task.  The IceCube is supposed to find neutrinos. Neutrinos are high-energy subatomic particles that are supposedly made from tremendously energetic events far extremely far away from us. These neutrinos have “more than a 1,000 times the energy of […] Continue reading

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Telescopes and Turbulence

    There are many problems that earth-based telescopes must cope with. Besides light pollution, the largest one is dealing …

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Astronomical Satellites

Astronomical Satellites are observatories of some sort that are in orbit around Earth. These observatories vary greatly in specifically what and how they observe, but they all share the same rational for being in space, instead of on Earth. On … Continue reading Continue reading

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Blog #4: Telescopes

Even though I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, I have never taken the time to visit the renowned Griffith Observatory until this past winter break.  After my trip, I found my awestruck in wonder by the breathtaking beauty of the night sky.  It is difficult to see stars in the city since […] Continue reading

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The Largest Telescope in the World

Larger telescopes allow for better angular resolution, which allows for us to discern between two light producing objects that are close together.  Therefore, telescopes are ever increasing in size to get better and better images.  Beating out telescopes called “Very Large Telescope” and “South African Large Telescope”, the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico is […] Continue reading

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The Invention of the Telescope

The telescope was most likely invented in 1608 by a German eyeglass maker named Hans Lippershey, although there is some uncertainty. Another eyeglass maker from the Netherlands, named Jacob Metius, filed for a patent soon after Lippershey and a third man, named Sacharias Janssen, later claimed to be the creator.  Despite these claims, Lippershey is […] Continue reading

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Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 and is still in service today. Just as Galileo’s first telescope opened the door to a new world beyond what the naked eyes can see, the Hubble Space Telescope broke through heaven’s gates and showed us a world beyond the boundaries of space-time, capturing even images of […] Continue reading

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World’s Largest Telescope To Expand Our Horizons

Image and Information Source Currently, the largest telescope in the world is the Gran Telescopio Canarias, which has an aperture size of about 10.4 meters. However, plans to build an even larger telescope were recently approved. This new telescope will be built at the summit of Hawaii’s Mauna Kea volcano, and will cost an alarming […] Continue reading

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