Category Archives: Science

Climate Change

CO2 Emissions in Different Continents Climate Change is one of the most important issues that has already affected our lives and one that threatens our future. To get an understanding we need to look back in history to when human’s began to cause a shift in the climate. In the 1800s, humans began the industrial […] Continue reading

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Post 4

Scientists often try to determine the age of various bodies in the solar system. The Earth and moon are around 4.5 billion years old, and the sun is around 4.6 billion years old. But how do scientists know this? And how confident are scientists in these ages? Scientists use radiometric dating to accurately date different […] Continue reading

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The Voyagers

In the vast expanse of space, two brave pioneers are still journeying to the unknown depths of our solar system and beyond: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. These twin spacecraft, launched by NASA in 1977, have been exploring the outer reaches of our solar system for over four decades, providing scientists with invaluable information about […] Continue reading

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Blog 4 – Geological Activity

Geological activity encompasses the ongoing changes on the surface of terrestrial worlds. This activity is derived from a planet’s internal heat, which is largely attributed to three different processes: accretion, differentiation, and radioactive decay. Accretion occurred when planets were merely planetesimals and still gaining mass to become full planets. When other planetesimals collided with the […] Continue reading

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Post 3

The sun produces energy via nuclear fusion—that is, it fuses two atoms into one, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. The most common form of fusion in the sun is when hydrogen atoms are fused into helium—giving off energy in the process due to the lost mass. This is the most efficient […] Continue reading

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Mysteries of the Oort Cloud

The Oort cloud is a mysterious spherical cloud of icy objects that exists beyond our solar system. This collection of icy debris is believed to be left over from the formation of the giant worlds – Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn. The Oort cloud starts roughly 1000-2000 AU from the sun and is thought to […] Continue reading

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Blog 3 – Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is the process of combining, or fusing, two or more small nuclei into a larger one, creating energy as a byproduct. Stars like the Sun constantly emit energy through nuclear fusion because their cores are filled with high-speed, hot plasma. More specifically, the Sun’s extremely hot core of 15 million K allows for […] Continue reading

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nuclear fusion

Have you ever wondered why the sun shines? It’s a question that has inspired centuries of astronomers to come up with a wide variety of explanations. It was once thought that the sun shone because of chemical combustion, but we now know that there is nowhere near enough oxygen for that process to have sustained […] Continue reading

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Blog 2: Retrograde Motion

Due to Earth’s counterclockwise rotation, many objects in the sky like the Sun rise in the east and set in the west. However, planets such as Mars exhibit apparent retrograde motion, where they appear to reverse direction in the sky and move from west to east. This is a result of planets orbitting at different […] Continue reading

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Post 2

Astronomy is a science. This means that in astronomy we make predictions, test hypotheses, and use findings to continuously build and refine our theories. Interestingly, astronomy was very likely the first science. Humans, ever since the ancient civilizations, have looked to the sky and pondered its mysteries. What use would such people have in astronomical […] Continue reading

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