Category Archives: Terrestrials

includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars


Venus is a unique planet among the terrestrial worlds and possesses  many features that make it an interesting planet to study.  Often called a sister planet of Earth because of the two planet’s similar sizes and compositions, Venus is, in some ways, a very different planet from Earth.  To start, Venus is completely inhospitable to life, with […] Continue reading

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Moon Landing Evidence! :)

In class today (Wednesday), I showed some of the lunar landing footage available to we, denizens of the Internet, for FREE!  NASA is a public entity and as such, happily will show us many awesome things and has given us the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal (ALSJ).  Much of the text was written by former astronauts […] Continue reading

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Precession and the Poles

Pretty much everyone in the North Hemisphere knows about the North Star and how it can be used in navigation. The North Star is such a familiar subject to me that I was surprised when I learned that the North pole does not always point toward the North Star. As we have learned in astro […] Continue reading

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Solar System Website

This image comes from, a cool website that has lots of info on our Solar System. It has pages about each of the planets, their moons, asteroids and much more. It also has info about other things like exoplanets and the Oort Cloud, which is a spherical cloud that surrounds our Sun and extends […] Continue reading

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Astronomically, it IS an early spring!!

So I read this article and I had to share it with you – I think it’s very good :) Article:  Spring Arrives With Equinox Tuesday, Earliest in Over a Century by Joe Rao, Skywatching Columnist As an introduction, here in Nashville, we’ve been experiencing a really mild spring – personally, I’m pretty happy […] Continue reading

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Global Warming Issues :)

It’s unfortunate that these days, “global warming” is such a dirty word; tis a fascinating topic and one we’ll be investigating a bit during our course (in Unit 3 when we talk about the rocky planets).  Despite the fact we’ll be looking at this more later, I HAVE to post about two things that I […] Continue reading

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