Category Archives: Space Travel

Virgin Galactic

Sir Richard Branson of Virgin records, Virgin mobile, and many other large companies has brought the dream of space travel to civilians. Finally, non-astronauts are able to roam through space and experience what very few have. This trip, however, is quite expensive and will not be able to be experienced by everyone. The starting price […] Continue reading

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Artificial Gravity

Given the importance of gravity to life here on Earth, it’s interesting to think about the lack of gravity used in space exploration. Of course there’s gravity in space, but not anywhere near the amount of gravitational force we feel on Earth. So why doesn’t NASA design its space shuttles and space stations to create artificial […] Continue reading

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Expansion of the Universe

As Jackson mentioned here, the Universe is expanding fast enough that our observable universe is around 93 billion light years in diameter. This was initially pretty confusing to me, as I thought it impossible to see something 45 billion lightyears &#8… Continue reading

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A Light Perspective

Source The fact that I have been unable to truly grasp the size of the universe–much less be able to put into perspective things like the speed of sound and light–I believe is largely attributed to this topic (Astronomy) involving surreal and almost unimaginable concepts. Much of my experience with the concept of the speed […] Continue reading

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Near Speed of Light Travel in the Atmosphere

When physics classes learn about relativity, typical problems involve calculating relative velocities, masses, or distances for objects moving near the speed of light, 3 * 10^8 m/s.  These objects might be objects like spaceships, travelling in outer space, but they are often more common objects like cars and trains, or even baseballs.  The two different […] Continue reading

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