Category Archives: Stars

A-Not-So-Healthy Universal Relationship

In the midst of the Valentine’s Day season, it would seem of nothing more fitting than to mention the binary star systems that our very universe holds.… Read more “A-Not-So-Healthy Universal Relationship” Continue reading

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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I Wonder What You Are Up Above the World So High Like A Diamond in the Sky Twinkle Twinkle Little Star How I Wonder What You Are” We all know the song, but do we know the science behind it? What actually causes stars to twinkle? Despite what that question […] Continue reading

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The Bighorn Medicine Wheel

Bighorn Medicine Wheel (View from above)   It is very interesting to think about ancient cultures that studied astronomy hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Among these cultures were the Native American tribes. Native Americans built structures, now known as medicine wheels, in places across what is now the US. One of the most … Continue reading The Bighorn Medicine Wheel Continue reading

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Betelgeuse: When will it reach its end?

Betelgeuse is in the top ten of the brightest stars in the sky. As one of the closest stars that has the potential to have a supernovae. This is super special not only because of the closeness of it, but because of its massive size.  According to Forbes Betelgeuse has the potential to light the … Continue reading Betelgeuse: When will it reach its end? Continue reading

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The Life of Low Mass Stars

Birth of Star S106 IR Birth: Emerging from a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula, a star forms when gravity pulls hydrogen gas from the nebula together and spins it around at such a fast rate that it heats up. This creates what is known as a “protostar”. Once the soon-to-be star’s temperature … Continue reading The Life of Low Mass Stars Continue reading

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The Life of Low Mass Stars

Birth of Star S106 IR Birth: Emerging from a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula, a star forms when gravity pulls hydrogen gas from the nebula together and spins it around at such a fast rate that it heats up. This creates what is known as a “protostar”. Once the soon-to-be star’s temperature … Continue reading The Life of Low Mass Stars Continue reading

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What’s Your Sign?

Ok… I’ll admit when I was younger I was really into astrology. It was a fascination fed partly by my mom, who kept around a copy of “The Secret Language of Birthdays” and would consult it regularly, nodding in solemn agreement with the book’s judgement of character. I had a horoscope app on my first […] Continue reading

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Gravity Waves

Have you ever wondered what the speed of gravity is? Were you under the assumption that the force of gravity was immediate? Like everything else in the universe, gravity has a finite speed. In fact, gravity travels at precisely c, the speed of light in a vacuum. This was first theorized as a result of Einstein’s […] Continue reading

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Blog #3: PSR J1719-1438 b

PSR J1719-1438 b is a really cool planet. It’s small and massive, and oh yeah, it’s made of diamonds.   PSR J1719-1438 b orbits around star PSR J1719-1438, which is a neutron star and a pulsar. Basically, because the star’s magnetic field is so great, it sends off waves of radiation. The relationship between the star … Continue reading Blog #3: PSR J1719-1438 b Continue reading

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Blog #2: HAT-P-2’s Heart

A very appropriate post for Valentine’s Day. NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered a unique quality of a star and its orbiting planet that are some 370 light years away. The gravitational interaction between the two cause some vibrations in HAT-P-2 when its orbiting planet HAT-P-2b gets close. HAT-P-2b is a planet with a mass … Continue reading Blog #2: HAT-P-2’s Heart Continue reading

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