Category Archives: Stars

Star Walk

As a student in the astronomy lab last semester I was told to download the Star Walk application because it would help during observing labs.  When I first downloaded it I assumed I would use it for a couple of labs and then delete it and use the space for a new version of Flappy […] Continue reading

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Want to know your real sign?

Cosmo magazine may be giving the cosmos the best PR around, thanks to the back of their magazine. Every Cosmopolitan has a section near the back dedicated to the astrological horizon- i.e., horoscopes. Whether we think it’s a sham or not, it’s fun to read about what the month will supposedly hold according to the […] Continue reading

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Star size comparison

Here’s a video about the size of planets and stars. Comparing to the size of Earth, the size of a single person is so tiny that even 70 billion people cannot completely occupy the whole land of Earth. However, when it comes to the scale of the universe, Earth is obscure. From the video linked… Continue reading

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Bon Courage

The stars are a source of courage to me, have been for a long time. My dad would point out the constellations to us and Mars. On Fall evenings they were there to greet me after soccer practice. I would get out of the car to open the gate into our driveway, my legs sore […] Continue reading

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Bussard Ramjet: Interstellar Travel

Interstellar Travel Ramjet Interstellar travel is travel between stars. Interstellar travel is much more difficult than interplanetary travel because of …

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Wobbling Stars

Most people would be surprised to know that every star in the sky is not a “stationary” center of their solar systems. Of course, the entire solar system is flying through space, orbiting the center of its galaxy. But many would look at the Sun and say that relative to the rest of the Solar … Continue reading Wobbling Stars Continue reading

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Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Awesome: Dyson Sphere!

In honor of Freeman Dyson’s upcoming visit, I thought we could talk about Dyson Spheres. A Dyson Sphere is a structure which surround a solar system and collects all of the energy which is given off by the star.  Dyson published this idea in his 1960 paper “Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infared Radiation“. … Continue reading Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Awesome: Dyson Sphere! Continue reading

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Observing the Night Sky

The website Sky and Telescope is very cool! It shows an easy to understand layout of what planets, stars, etc. you will be viewing in the night sky and where they will be moving throughout the night and week. It also gives you categories of different celestial objects you can try to search for in … Continue reading Observing the Night Sky Continue reading

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Orion Nebula

Nebulae have always been one of my favorite parts of the universe. I like how this video goes into detail about what makes up the Orion Nebula. It’s so hard to believe that we have the technology to discover so much about something so far away. It’s hard to imagine that the four main stars … Continue reading Orion Nebula Continue reading

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The Future of Life On Earth

The future of Earth and the future of life depends on multiple factors.  Disregarding human technology and the effects of global warming, Earth’s future depends on interactions with other objects in the solar system, the increase in the Sun’s luminosity, and the rate of cooling of the Earth’s interior. For example, scientists have predicted that […] Continue reading

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