Category Archives: Universe

The Scale of the Universe and Us

     Reading the graphic in the textbook called “Our Cosmic Address”, I got a sense for the first time of how small of a planet we live on. Earth is a typical planet rotating by a typical star we call the Sun which is only one of billions of stars in the Milky Way which is […] Continue reading

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Legitimate and Illegitimate Cases of Exceeding Light Speed

This image of CERN provided by TIME was taken at the peak of the 2012 craze over the facility’s discovery of neutrino particles breaking light speed. Since the barrier of light speed has been such an insurmountable rock and cornerstone of physics, the neutrino’s clocked speed increase of 0.0025% was groundbreaking. Although I was only […] Continue reading

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the cosmic calendar

The history of the universe is tough to wrap our heads around, much less to place in the context of our own lives! When studying astronomy, we are presented with so many large numbers — that the distance between earth and sun is 150,000,000 km, the universe is 14 billion years old, and the Milky […] Continue reading

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Testing my Blog Page

Welcome to Indie Darkness of The Cosmos! An astronomy blog.

Above is the first of the liminal space photography posts that I made on Instagram. I felt it pertained since on this blog we will be delving into the ultimate liminal space.

Inspir… Continue reading

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My newfound view of Astronomy and our Solar System

Throughout this semester, I have learned so many new and fascinating things about our solar system and astronomy as a whole. Whether it be learning more about the fathers of Astronomy such as Copernicus or Galileo or mind-boggling concepts such as gravity, I now understand that I have only scratched the surface of understanding the […] Continue reading

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Astrobiology is such a fascinating subject because some people may not even believe there is a need for this subject in the first place. This is because astrobiology is the study of life found throughout the universe. When the argument is presented that there is no life found outside of the Earth, my first thought […] Continue reading

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Alien civilizations. How many are there?

Throughout my life, I have always been curious of what lies beyond our sky and more importantly who lies there? After discussing the Drake Equation in class and also the probabilities and alignments necessary for there to be life, I am going to address this topic. According to the Guardian, scientists say that the amount […] Continue reading

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Fermi Paradox Answered?! (not clickbait)

After hastily copy pasting “Fermi Paradox” into my search bar when I saw it was a potential topic for blogging, the results I found gave me an exciting opportunity. Understanding why we haven’t detected aliens seemed right up the alley of Kurzgesagt, a youtube channel that specializes in the intersection of physics and philosophy. Luckily […] Continue reading

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The barophiles we have found are tiny organisms, usually bacteria, living in areas with intense pressure. They are found on ocean floors where pressure can reach about 400 atm. For reference, the atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1 atm. Some barophiles known as obligate barophiles cannot survive in low pressures. The barophile Halomonas salaria […] Continue reading

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Blog #7: Sara Seager Ted Talk

I watched the 2015 Ted Talk from Sara Seager (of the Seager Equation) called The Search for Planets Beyond our Solar System. She sets out to introduce what we currently know about our solar galaxy and extra solar planets. She presents a few interesting artist conceptions of the various exoplanets we know of (mainly from […] Continue reading

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