Discovering Extrasolar Planets

Have you ever wondered if us humans are alone in the vast expanse of the universe? Do worlds similar to those in our solar system exist? Scientists are currently looking for answers to these questions by studying extrasolar planets, or planets that orbit around other stars. Three main methods allow scientists to analyze these questions by considering how gravitational tugs on stars and changes in brightness indicate the presence of extrasolar planets.

The Astrometric Method

This method uses precise measurements to observe stellar positions. Since the masses of all stars and planets exert gravitational forces, if a star’s stellar position appears to “wobble”, it indicates the presence of an exoplanet. This “wobble” is the result of the exoplanet tugging on the star with the force of its gravity. While this might seem like a great tool, it is extremely difficult in practice: “It requires a degree of precision that has seldom been achieved even with the largest and most advanced telescopes” (The Planetary Society). Therefore, the Astrometric Method is best used to search for relatively massive planets with distant orbits around nearby stars.

Photo: The Planetary Society

The Doppler Method

As its name suggests, the Doppler Method utilizes the Doppler Effect to search for extrasolar planets. The Doppler Effect states that objects moving toward an observer emit blueshifted wavelengths and objects moving away from an observer emit redshifted wavelengths. Therefore, alternating blue and red shifts of a star indicate the presence of an extrasolar planet. Since this method searches for gravitational tugs, it tends to only work for discovering massive planets orbiting close to their star. Further, another drawback to the Doppler Method is that it requires an extremely large telescope in order to measure such small changes in Doppler Shifts.

Photo: MIT News

The Transit Method

Unlike the Astrometric Method and Doppler Method, the Transmit Method does not search for gravitational tugs acting on a star. Instead, this method studies slight changes in a star’s brightness due to orbiting planets. If a planet seems to move across the face of the star, or transit, it block’s a portion of the star’s brightness. Therefore, planet’s with larger diameters will block a larger portion of the star’s brightness. However, the difficulties of the Transit Method arise from the positioning of the orbit with respect to the observer. In order for this method to be successful, the orbital plane of the exoplanet must be head-on with the observer (The Planetary Society). Further, this method works better for planets with shorter orbital periods since the change of the planet’s brightness must be recorded at least three times to be considered valid.

Photo: The Planetary Society

As these three methods demonstrate, the search for extrasolar planets requires studying extremely small changes in stellar orbits and brightness. While an exactly Earth-like Planet may not have been discovered yet, this could simply be due to limitations in current technology. All of these methods have the most success with observing relatively large planets. If you are like me, and the idea of life on another world excites you, keep your hopes up because technological advancements that allow scientists to better study smaller planets may reveal an Earth-like world.

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Exoplanet exploration: 700 light-years away

It might seem strange that we are currently exploring planets that are so far away from us, especially since we cannot travel to them. But, these planets, called exoplanets or extrasolar planets can teach us a lot about star-system formation. We can then take this information and apply it to our own solar system!

An artist’s impression of WASP-39b and its planet from ESAHubble.

One of these planets is WASP-39b discovered in 2011, and is 700 light-years away from us. Scientists found it by observing the dimming of light from its star, indicating something must be blocking that light from reaching us fully. Starting in 2022, WASP-39b was the first exosolar planet to be studied by the Webb telescope. It is a gas giant, with about the same mass as Saturn, but it is much puffier because of its super high temperatures since it is even closer to its star than Mercury is to our Sun! WASP-39b also has a very fast orbital period, moving around its star in just over 4 Earth days. Scientists also found a high water content as vapor in the atmosphere on WASP-39b. After studying further, scientists found carbon dioxide too. WASP-39b is definitely a planet that is unlike what we are used to, making it super exciting to continue to explore.

So now you are probably wondering what this planet could possibly tell us about our own solar system, especially since ours looks nothing like this. But, that is what scientists want to find out! Why does it look nothing like ours? How can such a large planet orbit so close to its star and have such a high water content as well as the presence of CO2? Further research will give insight as to how WASP-39b got to the position it is in today. Could it have been from large impacts? Did it plow down other planets in its path to the star? What do you think is a likely explanation for this phenomenon?

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Jupiter’s magnetosphere is generated thanks to a “metallic” layer of hydrogen around its core that is electrically conductive. Saturn also has “metallic,” electrically conductive hydrogen around its core, which enables it to have a magnetosphere as well. But the quotation marks? The answer is that metallic hydrogen isn’t a metal, in the traditional sense.

A visual rendition of metallic hydrogen. By Robert Couse-Baker on Flickr under the CC BY 2.0 DEED license.

First, it’s not solid. Solid hydrogen does exist, but it is not metallic due to its lower density, which precludes it from conducting electricity. To be metallic, something must be able to conduct electricity, which is the result of electrons being arranged in such a manner that they are able to move around freely. This arrangement is usually referred to as a “sea of electrons,” in which the outermost electrons in a metal are not tightly-bound to any specific atom. As a result, they are free to move around. When electricity is conducted, the charge of a current is carried (or passed along) throughout a material by these freer electrons.

Metallic hydrogen is an extremely dense liquid that is formed from the pressures and temperatures that intensify as one travels deeper into Jupiter’s interior. Hydrogen first exists as a gas in Jupiter’s atmosphere, and then becomes molecular liquid and then finally metallic (liquid) at the lowest depths. Here, its inner atomic structure exists as sea of electrons, making metallic hydrogen highly conductive. This in turn generates a tremendous dynamo effect on Jupiter (and a less tremendous dynamo effect on Saturn, too).

Nevertheless, metallic hydrogen isn’t actually a metal. This is despite its extremely high density, electron arrangements and electrical conductivity. While these properties typify some metals, the only thing that essentially makes a metal a metal, chemically speaking is its grouping (or location) on the periodic table. You may think that this answer is unsatisfying. (It is.) But not everything in life has to be satisfying. After all, if everything were satisfying, nothing would be.

In fact, one of the largest challenges in science thus far has been creating metallic hydrogen. Scientists have attempted to use machines called diamond anvils to simulate the pressure and temperature conditions of inner Saturn and Jupiter, but have yet to agree upon a confirmed observation of metallic hydrogen. Although several scientists have claimed to have observed the metal, the scientific community is still not in agreement that it has actually been created on Earth, despite several published articles (even in journals like Nature) that claim otherwise. Producing a “metal” that is in relative abundance on the apparently lifeless worlds of Saturn and Jupiter is proving to be a herculean task for us humans, even with all of our technology. Who would’ve thought that the very first element one the periodic table, the one that is supposedly the simplest, would give us so many fascinating complications? Probably not Dmitri Mendeleev.

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Pluto – Common Misconceptions

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Pluto has long been a very mysterious planets to both scientists and the general population. Because of this, many misconceptions have risen throughout the years. In this blog post, I will cover a few of the most popular myths, both scientific and fun.

  1. Pluto was named after the Disney Dog (hence the photo attached)
    • Pluto was discovered in 1930, the same year the famous dog was introduced on Disney. This caused much confusion whether the dog was named after the planet or whether the planet was named after the dog. However, the dog’s name was actually changed to Pluto in 1931, following the discovery of the planet.
  2. Pluto is always dark
    • This has been a common misconception for a long time, due to Pluto’s distance from the sun. It orbits more than 3 billion miles away from the sun, on average. Consequently, people assume that it is constantly dark on the planet. However, although is not as bright as the Earth on a sunny day, it still has as much sun as a gloomy day on Earth.
  3. Pluto is completely made of ice
    • This misconception came from the fact that Pluto’s surface is covered by ice. It is comprised of frozen nitrogen and methane. However, the density of Pluto is more than double the density of an “ice planet”. This has let us to debunk the myth that Pluto is an ice planet, as its composition leads us to believe that Pluto has a rocky inside with an icy shell.
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Differences Between the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt

There are as many comets in the sky as fishes in the ocean.

-Johannes Kepler

Diagrammed Illustration of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud: European Space Agency

Going into this class I knew that comets came from the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, however, I never put much thought into why comets are in these two areas. For some context, comets are considered “dirty snowballs” because they are made up of ice and rocky dust. Additionally, when they enter warmer temperatures, they can form comas and occasionally tails, due to radiation and solar wind from the sun. As for their location, about a trillion comets are located within the Oort Cloud. The Oort Cloud is located in the outer part of the solar system, far beyond the orbit of Neptune. These comets are considered to be in the coldest parts of the solar system due to their great distance from the sun. These comets are very interesting because they have no real pattern to them. For example, they can orbit the sun in opposite directions of planets and have random elliptical orbits. This is because these comets actually originated near the jovian planets. When they formed here, there were many collisions, but they also had many gravitational encounters with these jovian planets. The effects of these encounters were that they were flung to the outer part of the solar system, called the Oort Cloud. The way that these comets were randomly tossed to extremely far distances is the reason as to why these comets have no set pattern. These comets are so close to the brink of the solar system that they can even be effected gravitationally by nearby stars. Additionally, some of the comets that are flung are tossed so far that they actually leave the solar system, which is so interesting to think that the jovian planets have this much power! In contrast the Kuiper Belt is a bit different and formed closer to the orbit of Neptune. These comets originated in this belt and are different from the Oort Cloud comets because they actually have a pattern to them. For example, they orbit in the same direction of the planets and have a more ordered elliptical orbits. This is because these comets are less likely to be effected by the significant gravitational encounters of the jovian planets, preventing them from being thrown to the outer solar system, in contrast to the Oort Cloud comets. Although they are not as affected from these gravitational encounters, orbital resonances still impact these comets. This can then potentially cause comets from this area to enter the inner solar system. This is an interesting idea because it can help explain how the terrestrial planets have acquired such complex molecules. For example, Earth has acquired complex carbon compounds in addition to water. There is a possibility that these comets actually brought inner solar system planets these compounds and has helped to sustain life on Earth!

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Some things never change…

Asteroids are rocky leftover pieces from the planetary formation era that never ended up becoming planets. They orbit our Sun out in the asteroid belt, but they are too small and weirdly shaped (thanks to impacts!) to be classified as planets. To give a sense of the size range of asteroids, the largest asteroid, Ceres, is 1000km in diameter, and most asteroids are much smaller than that. (Fun fact: Ceres’s mass is approximately the mass of every other asteroid combined.) Compared to Earth, which is 12,742 km in diameter, these asteroids are tiny!

Here are some famous asteroids, to give you a sense of what we’re talking about!! (Image credit: Wikipedia)

But why do we even care about these potato-looking space chunks? Asteroids help us understand how our solar system formed, because they have stayed the same since the beginning of our solar system. By examining the properties of asteroids, we can uncover details about our solar system’s formation and compositions. Only a select few asteroid masses are actually known (by using our favorite equation: Newton’s Version of Kepler’s 3rd Law!!), but those masses help scientists estimate other asteroid masses, calculate densities, and therefore use those densities to figure out the compositions!! Asteroids are made of rock and metal, since these materials could condense beyond the frost line.

One interesting thing is that we have studied meteorites (asteroids that have made their way to Earth), and we have observed several different categories of meteorites. There are meteorites that contain small bits of water and carbon-rich compounds, which are essential for life to exist. The fact that we have water and life on Earth can be explained by the fact that those asteroids, which formed beyond the frost line, brought us water and the compounds needed for life!!

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Titan’s Tremendous Atmosphere and its Striking Similarity to Earth

Photograph of Titan taken by Cassini Spacecraft: infrared and ultraviolet wavelength

One of the most fascinating things that I have learned from this unit was the diversity that are the jovian moons. Originally, I believed moons to be rocky, non geologically active objects that orbited planets. Although this is the case for some moons, especially the smaller ones, some moons hold very unique characteristics, such as Titan. Something that stood out to me from Titan was its atmosphere. It is very uncommon for moons to have a substantial atmosphere. However, that is not the case for Titan. From the picture above, it is evident that titan has a very thick atmosphere. Interestingly, Titan’s atmosphere contains around 95% of molecular nitrogen, which is a lot! Not only is this a lot of nitrogen , but this number holds similarities to Earth’s atmosphere, where our planet holds around 77% of nitrogen. One big difference between the two is that earth has oxygen and Titan does not. Additionally, Titan’s atmosphere holds other complex molecules such as ethane, methane, and argon. Firstly, these gases make up Titan’s atmosphere due to gases vaporizing from the surface of this moon. Once the gas enters the atmosphere, ultraviolet light breaks down these molecules, so that hydrogen is able to thermally escape the atmosphere of Titan, leaving nitrogen, methane, and ethane in the atmosphere. For this moon, ethane and methane play a very interesting role, which is unlike anything seen from other moons. The ethane and methane are greenhouse gases, that in the right conditions, have the ability to rain down onto the surface of the moon. This liquid ethane and methane can then flow on the moon’s surface. This was such an interesting thing to learn because the ethane and methane cycle is similar to what is seen with the water cycle on Earth. This finding was established after observing polar storms, especially near the northern pole. The convection of warm air rising ultimately cause ethane and methane to rain down onto the surface of the moon. Although it is not water that is raining down, the ability to have a similar cycle to Earth is astonishing and it raises questions as to the possibility of life on Titan. Although it could be possible to have life, Titan’s temperature is so low and has a lack of surface liquid water (possibility of subsurface ocean), that this idea is not likely. However, I think this moon was one of the most incredible moons I have learned because of its striking similarity to the atmosphere and cycles on our home planet, Earth!

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Blog 6: Io!

In this blog post, I’d like to talk about the BEST Galilean moon: Io. As I’m sure we all know, Io is known as the volcanic world of Jupiter’s moons. It holds large numbers of volcanoes, and frequent eruptions that repave the surface. In fact, its surface is relatively young with no impact craters. As for any tectonics, Io probably has some tectonic activity, because it usually accompanies volcanism, but debris from eruptions probably buried most of the tectonic features. The volcanoes on Io are also accompanied by outgassing, mainly sulfur dioxide, sulfur, and some sodium. Some of these chemical escape into space where it supplied ionized gas (plasma) to Io Torus and Jupiter’s atmospheres, which gives Io its thin atmosphere. But much of the gas condenses and falls to the surface. This explains that sulfur gives Io its distinctive red and orange colors and sulfur dioxide makes a white frost. Additionally, when the hot lava flows across the surface, it re-vaporizes the sulfur dioxide surface ice in much of the same way that lava flowing into the ocean vaporizes water on earth. Io’s low gravity and thin atmosphere also contributes to allowing the tall plumes of vaporized sulfur dioxide to raise upward to high altitudes. 

Image Source

To explain Io’s internal heat, its size probably contributes a minimal role since it is only the size of a dead moon, so it lost any heat from birth and is too small for radioactivity to provide ongoing heat. Therefore, its source of internal heat must be from tidal heating, which arises from effects of the tidal forces exerted by Jupiter. The tidal force makes Io keep the same face toward Jupiter as it orbits, and Jupiter’s mass makes this force really strong. Io’s orbit is also slightly elliptical because of orbital resonances. Io completes 4 orbits of Jupiter in the same time (7 days) that Europa completes 2 orbits and Ganymede completes 1. The three moons line up periodically, and in each they exert gravitational tugs on each other in same direction, which adds up overtime to stretch out their orbits and make them slightly elliptical. 

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Blog 5: Jovian Magnetospheres

For this blog post, I’m going to be talking about the relative magnetospheres of the Jovian planets. As we have learned with terrestrials, magnetic fields are generated by motions of charged particles deep in their planet’s interiors. These magnetic fields create magnetospheres, which are like huge bubble that surround the whole planet and shield it from solar wind. Jupiter by far has the strongest magnetic field in our solar system, roughly 20,000 times as strong as Earth’s! Magnetospheres require an interior region of electrically conducting fluid, convection in the layer of fluid, and moderately rapid rotation. For Jupiter, the fluid region is a thick layer of metallic hydrogen. The extent of the region with rapid rotation explains the strength of the magnetic field, explaining Jupiter’s enormous magnetosphere. Jupiter’s traps far more charged particles than Earth’s because Earth lacks its source of particles. All charged particles in Earth’s magnetosphere comes from solar wind, but in Jupiter’s case it is from the volcanically active moon, Io. The many particles that Io contributes create aurorae belts of intense radiation around Jupiter, damaging orbiting spacecrafts. The other jovian magnetospheres are much weaker than Jupiter’s but still stronger than Earth’s. It depends on the size of electrically conducting layer buried in its interior. Saturn’s is weaker because it has a thinner layer of electrically conducting metallic hydrogen. Uranus and Neptune don’t have any metallic hydrogen, so their weak magnetic field must be generated in their core ocean of hydrogen compounds, rock, and metal. The size of a planet’s magnetosphere not only depends on magnetic field strength, but on pressure of the solar wind against it. Despite the weak magnetic field strength of farther planets, their magnetosphere bubbles are larger than they would be if closer to the sun. However, no other magnetosphere is full of charged particles like Jupiter’s still, because no other jovian planet has a satellite like Io. 

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Put a ring on it!! 🪐

When I think of rings, the first planet that comes to mind is Saturn. Saturn has the most impressive rings out of all the Jovian planets in our solar system. (In fact, Saturn’s rings are so prominent that I sometimes forget that other Jovian planets also have rings!!)

First, let’s talk about the properties of rings that all Jovian planets share. All rings lie in the equatorial plane of the planet (just like moons do!), and the ring particles have circular orbits with some small variations in tilts. Rings are made of particles of all sizes, that astronomers think comes from “moonlets” (a tiny moon) and random collisions that chip off particles from those. Those particles get captured by planets’ tidal and gravitational forces. Something cool to note is that all rings lie within 2-3 planetary radii of the planet they belong to, which can be explained by gravitational forces holding them there!

Up-close and personal view of Saturn’s rings!! (Photo credit: Getty)

Saturn’s rings are huge (spanning 270,000 km in diameter!! wow!), given that the planet itself is one of the largest in our solar system. However, the rings are only 10-ish meters tall. In fact, if we look at Saturn straight in line with the rings, we can barely see them. The reason for how thin Saturn’s rings are is because the ring particles will collide in their orbits. Don’t worry, these collisions are pretty gentle! These particles all orbit at around the same speed in the same direction. Collisions of particles make the two particles change their speed/locations into their average, and continual collisions will keep all the particles in the same plane. The rings are actually shaped with the help of shepherd moons, which are tiny objects that keep the particles contained and forms the shape of the rings we know and love. 🪐 ❤

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