visiting wild animal safari park

The photo was taken at Atlanta Wild Animal Safari on Oct 15, 2022 by myself. It was a picture of ostrich and was my first time see a ostrich.

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Blog #0

Today I learned that Comets and Meteors are not the same thing. FUN! Picture from

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Hi! My name is Hunter Qin and this is my first post on wordpress. I am from Qingdao, China and went to school in Potomac, Maryland next to Washington DC.

By Me

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Blog #0 Setting up by Xingqiao Wang


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Hi! My name is Melanie Marszal, and I am a senior chemical engineer. By the end of this semester, I will have finished my astronomy minor! A fun fact about me is that I have always wanted to go to one of those beaches with bioluminescent phytoplankton that make the water glow at night. The most famous one that I know of is Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives. It is called the Sea of Stars. You can read more about it here.

This image is from this article about the Sea of Stars.
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About Me!

Hi! My name is Sadie Karr, I’m a freshman here at Vanderbilt, and I plan on studying English Literary Studies. I’m mostly in astronomy for the AXLE science credit, but I am totally fascinated by all things space and didn’t hesitate to take a second semester of astronomy with Dr. G. This picture is of me over winter break with my cat, Vex. She’s my baby. She’s a jerk.

Lastly, here’s my favorite song right now: Mother Earth Blues, Heart (1975)…

…which is a cover of Mother Earth by Memphis Slim (1951).

Give them a listen if you can!

Until next time ✌


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All about Sam

Hi everyone! My name is Sam, and I am a sophomore here at Vandy. I am majoring in film and science communication. Here is a picture I took of the New York City Skyline at night from the Empire State Building, and I chose this picture because I really want to live in New York one day 🙂

The above picture is by me 🙂

Here is a hyperlink to a really cool Saturn picture that I fell in love with! This picture is from TreeHugger:×0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/__opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__mnn__images__2013__02__saturnvoyager-4d4819cec3c845c8a90eaa348319a08f.jpg

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Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog “YounesAdventure”!

I am excited to share my thoughts and experiences with you as I embark on this blogging journey. I included the following picture because the sky was so beautiful.

Astro2110 is a class I am currently taking, and I look forward to learning more about the fascinating world of astronomy. I’ve always been fascinated by space, and now I’m getting the chance to learn about it from some of the best minds. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the universe and its many mysteries through this class.

So come along with me on this journey as I share my thoughts, observations, and occasional jokes. I’ll update this blog regularly with new posts, so feel free to write down any feedback.

In this post, I’ve included a hyperlink to a website that will take you on a virtual solar system tour:

Thank you for taking the time to read my first post, and I hope you enjoy following along on my blogging journey.

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About Me

This is me!
Taken of me at a winery on my 21st birthday! Source: Me!

Hello! My name is Brandon Cole, and I am a current fourth-year student majoring in Computer Science and Film Production.

Career wise, I am interested in software development and engineering, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. My goal is to pursue a career that combines my passion for technology with the ability to positively impact people’s lives.

Outside of school, I enjoy going out with friends, exploring new places, staying active, making short films, and much more.

I have decided to take this class for several reasons:

I find the vastness and complexity of the universe to be fascinating and enjoy learning about the various celestial bodies and phenomena that make up our universe. I’m also interested in the history and evolution of the universe, including the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets.

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Visiting Griffith

This photo was taken at Griffith Observatory on my Jan. 4 trip to LA. It was raining hard and I was soaking wet. Though the view of the city was covered by the fog, the tour in the observatory was still amazing. Despite the fog, you can still make out the silhoutte of the astronomers on the Astronomers Monument!

Photo taken by me on Jan. 4
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