People say time traveling doesnt exist. They are skeptical we are able to break every law of physics we grew up learning. But, if we really think about it, we have a time machine right in front of us: a telescope.
What is a light year? Don’t be confused with the word ‘year’ being in this term, because a light year is a measure of distance rather than time. Because our Universe is so large, when we look through a telescope at stars and planets and other objects far away from us, we are really looking back in time. It’s a tricky concept to wrap your mind around at first. When we look at distant objects in our universe, we do not see the objects as they are the moment we look at them, but rather we see them as they were when that specific object released its light. This light then travels the distance (the light years) to our eyes, which takes a great amount of time, hence us looking at the object in its past not in its present state.
So next time you doubt the idea of time travel, think back to the idea of light years, and how we are able to look in the past with our very own eyes.
I’ve included a infographic which helps visualize how far some of the closest objects to us are in terms of light year distances.