Pluto: dwarfPLANET

Growing up with Pluto being known as the ninth planet, I’m interested in Pluto, its uniqueness and why it was revoked of the prestigious planetary title.

The discovery of other planetary objects in the outer solar system today known as dwarf planets made the switch of Pluto’s classification from a planet to a dwarf planet. These dwarf planets were about the same size of Pluto and has certain criteria to uphold. Dwarf planets has to orbit the sun, it has to have enough mass so gravity could pull its shape into a spherical object and it has to have cleared its orbit from smaller objects. Eris is the largest dwarf planet with Pluto coming in at a close second.

Dwarf Planets

After the New Horizons’ mission, several characteristics of Pluto were discovered which made Pluto one of the most interesting planetary objects in the solar system. Pluto’s small size and distance from the sun made scientists believe that Pluto’s core will be heatless and Pluto would be geologically dead. They could not be more wrong. Pluto does not have a lot of craters hinting toward its young surface and/or geological activity. Pluto has a thin atmosphere with low atmospheric pressure. Pluto’s distance from the sun explains why it is mostly covered in ice. Pluto has ice volcanos, ice mountains, frozen lakes and actually has an atmosphere as the New Horizons mission picked up signs of dust devils, tornados and haze clouds on Pluto’s surface. For me, however the most interesting thing about Pluto is its frozen ocean and what lies beneath all that ice. Maybe there is a whole new world up for discovery?!

Artistic view of Pluto and its extraordinary geological features
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Planetary migration theory | blog VI

U.C. Berkeley

Discoveries of extrasolar planets and the growing pool of knowledge surrounding them has raised innumerable new questions. Many of these worlds do not follow the patterns or rules of planetary composition, location, etc. that exist within our own solar system. One of the biggest ones in response to these inconsistencies—is our current solar nebula formation theory correct? Do we need to tweak certain currently accepted theories and add others? Is the basic premise correct, or do we need to entirely reconsider what we know?

The consensus is that the latter of these questions can be ruled out—the solar nebular theory seems to hold true as an explanation. However, there are certainly absences in the theory that do not account for the realities we are seeing with extrasolar planetary systems. One of the largest inconsistencies is the close orbit of massive gas planets to their star; these ‘Hot Jupiters’ orbit at distances closer than Mercury to the Sun. Now fairly prominent and accepted as an idea, the theory of planetary migration accounts for this anomaly. 

Planetary migration theory posits that these high-mass planets exert more gravitational pull on gas in the nebular disk as they grow bigger. The spinning motion of the disk creates a region of motion called a ‘spiral wake,’ which is characterized by its increased gas density. The inner part of this wake (closer to the star) travels faster than the outer portion, in accordance with Kepler’s third law. This exerts a gravitational pull on the planet as it trails ever so slightly behind its star. The outer portion has the opposite effect, draining the planet’s orbital energy and pushing it inwards. The general tendency of the planet then favors migrating inward rather than outward, even though the positive and negative forces exerted on it are practically equal. It is hypothesized that an imbalance in angular momentum between these two forces (of the spiral wake) are enough to initiate the planet’s migration inward.Researchers are uncertain why this is the case, but have confirmed that it is a habitual function of planet-forming gaseous disks. 

Gregory P. Laughlin/Stephanie Freese

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486958 Arrokoth | blog V


486958 Arrokoth claimed its rank as a notable solar body after the New Horizons flyby in early 2019, a mission executed in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, and Southwest Research Institute. This object, often tagged with its informal name of Ultima Thule, is Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) located on the outskirts of the Kuiper Belt. To date, it is the furthest object that we have been able to visit in our solar system. Unlike stars’ typically volatile interactions with each other, Ultima Thule is a contact binary, in which two stars merge to share their gaseous envelopes. This process creates the hourglass shape characteristic of the binary system (this shape even earned 486958 Arrokoth the nickname of ‘The Snowman’). 

Measuring at an approximated 36 × 20 × 10 km, Ultima Thule is an incredibly small body to have been found at its whopping four-billion-mile distance from Earth. Its discovery is a testament to advancements in technology that make these missions possible; and, of course, the teams of people that are at the very center of these programs to begin with. In a press release from the day of the successful Ultima Thule flyby, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine remarked, “In addition to being the first to explore Pluto, today New Horizons flew by the most distant object ever visited by a spacecraft and became the first to directly explore an object that holds remnants from the birth of our solar system… This is what leadership in space exploration is all about.”


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My Favourite Planet in Solar System — Uranus

Picture of Uranus from CGTN

Uranus was my favorite planet in the solar system. From childhood, I was first attracted by its fabulous faint blue color. After learning astronomy, I recognized more fascinating facts about this mysterious planet which made me love it more! Uranus was famous for its large tilting angle, and this was probably due to a collision between Uranus and an earth-sized object. The tilt angle of 97.7 degrees created the most extreme seasons in the solar system. Therefore, Uranus was the coldest planet within the solar system though its distance from the Sun was not the furthest. Uranus had an average temperature of 72K, and the lowest temperature was 55K. Even not spectacular as the Saturn rings, Uranus obtained the second most dramatic set of rings in the solar system. Nevertheless, Uranus rings were composed of extremely dark and invisible. Among the 13 rings detected and known by scientists, the epsilon ring was the brightest. Like Pluto, Uranus was only visited once by humans.

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What Would a City Look Like Inside of Olympus Mons?

The Capital of the Fire Nation (AvatarWiki)

In Avatar: The Last Airbender, the capital of the fire nation is a city built inside the crater, or caldera, of a volcano. The idea of this got me thinking, what would a city look like inside of the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons?

Olympus Mons compared to Arizona (

The picture shows Olympus Mons compared to Arizona. Clearly, it is a massive volcano and its caldera is over 80 km wide. For reference, Manhattan is about 18 km long and 3.5 km wide. That means that around 80 Manhattans would be able to fit inside of the caldera of Olympus Mons, and around 130 million people would be able to call it home.

While there would obviously be problems with such a large population density in that immense of an area, I still think that it is an interesting exercise in trying to scale the size of this massive geological feature.

As I learn more about the solar system, I get increasingly fascinated by their different landscapes, and it inspires me to learn as much as I can about them.

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Is There a Planet Nine?

Artist’s Conception of Planet Nine (Wikipedia)

For centuries, humans have been observing the stars and the planets searching to understand more about the sky. As our technology becomes more sophisticated, so do the problems that we try and solve. Currently, there is a cluster of extreme trans-Neptunian objects with unexplained phenomena in their orbits. These objects all complete the closest part of their orbit to the Sun in the same sector and have similar tilts in their axises.

For some astronomers, this is enough evidence to conclude that their must be a large object in the Kuiper Belt, the so called Planet Nine, that is affecting the orbits of these objects. However, other astronomers believe that these observed similarities are only due to the difficulties that we experience while trying to locate these objects. They believe that a Planet Nine is just the product of wishful thinking.

The size of Planet Nine compared to the outer worlds (

As shown in the image above, Planet Nine would most likely have a mass about five times of Earth, and a radius slightly smaller than Neptune. The mass and density of the planet is not that interesting as it would most likely be similar to the other ice giants. Its orbit is where the confusion comes in. Current planetary models do not explain how that big of an object could have formed as far as 620 astronomical units from the Sun. This means that it most likely moved. One guess is that it is the core of a gas giant that was ripped from the rest of the planet by Jupiter. Another says that our solar system stole if from an ancient neighbor. A third speculates that a passing star may have pulled it to the edges of our solar system.

Whatever the case, the possible existence of a ninth planet will continue to intrigue astronomers until irrefutable evidence either confirms or denies its existence.

One a side note, if Planet Nine is ever discovered I think that it should be named Vulcan, after the Roman God who was exiled from Mount Olympus.

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Curiosity Rover

The Curiosity Rover is located on Mars. This car-sized explorer, which is owned by NASA, is designed to investigate Mars climate and geology. It was launched on November 26, 2011 and landed on August 6, 2012. It has traveled over 16 miles exploring Mars and taking pictures for astronomers to study. 

Its main goal is to discover if Mars could ever habitat life. It looks at the biology of the planet and the composition of it. It also examines the chemical building blocks of life such as phosphate, sulfur, carbon, oxygen, etc. All of this work must cost a lot. Curiosity Rover is estimated to cost 3.2 billion dollars. 

How did this rover get its name? A NASA panel took over 9,000 submissions from all over the world and picked a girl named Clara Ma’s submission which was: Curiosity! She wrote in her submission and won a trip to NASA’s Jet propulsion laboratory in California. Fun fact: Clara was able to sign her name on Curiosity while it was being built. 

Curiosity is still roaming around Mars today and has spent over 3442 sols on the red planet! There is a website that you can explore to see the new pictures that it takes everyday!

Curiosity Rover
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The most famous dwarf planet is Pluto but not many people know about Ceres. Ceres is located between Mars and Jupiter in the asteroid belt. There are many interesting facts surrounding this dwarf planet such as: it was the first asteroid to be discovered in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi. Piazzi was an Italian astronomer and catholic priest. 

Ceres was named after the Roman goddess of agriculture. It has an orbital period of 4.6 Earth years and a day on Ceres is 9 hours and 4 minutes. It makes up ⅓ of the total size of the asteroid belt just by itself. It has a heavily cratered surface however there are few large craters. This means that Ceres is very old, 4.573 billion years to be exact. 

Finally, one of the most interesting aspects of Ceres is the potential for habitability. It is not actively being described as a potential new home but there is the most amount of water than any other planet in the solar system. There are areas on the surface called brine pockets that could be used to habitat life. 

What do you find most interesting about the dwarf planet Ceres?

Here we see Ceres as compared to the size of the Moon and of Earth.
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The Oort Cloud

Oort Cloud

The Oort cloud is located in the most distant part of our solar system. It is so far away that it is thought to be multiples times farther from the Sun than the outermost parts of the Kuiper Belt. One thing that makes the Oort Cloud unique is that the objects within it do not fall more or less on the same plane that most other objects in our solar system orbit on. It is instead thought to be like a large spherical shell that encapsulates everything else in our solar system.

Because the Oort cloud is so far away, it is thought that comets with extremely long periods of orbit around the Sun originate from it. One example is the comet nicknamed Siding Spring. This comet passed Mars in 2014, and is not thought to return to the inner solar system for more than 740,000 years.

Although we are fairly certain of the existence of the Oort Cloud, it is so far away that no object has actually been observed in this area. However, as technological advances continue to occur at an exponential rate, hopefully we will possess sufficient technology to gather more information about the region of the distant solar system that we call the Oort Cloud.

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Pluto: from planet to dwarf planet


Pluto is one of the six dwarf planets that we have currently identified in our solar system, and it was the first object discovered in the Kuiper belt. It was discovered in 1930 and was initially declared to be the ninth planet. However, when other objects were discovered in the Kuiper belt (like the dwarf planet Eris), people began to doubt whether Pluto was actually worthy of the title of a planet. Eventually, in 2006, the International Astronomical Union stripped Pluto of its title and classified it as a dwarf planet. However, Pluto still has several claims to fame. It is currently the ninth largest object that is directly orbiting the Sun and the tenth most massive object orbiting the Sun. It is the largest trans-Neptunian object (by volume) and has five moons. Its moons are Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. Because Charon is so similar to Pluto in mass, they are considered to be a binary system, as the center of mass of the system does not exist within Pluto. Currently, we do not know a ton of information about Pluto, as only one flyby in 2015 has been conducted. Hopefully we can launch new missions to learn more about the former planet and its uniqueness.

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