Introductory Post

My Name is Alex and I am a Senior majoring in Physics and Economics and minoring in Business. This picture represents my favorite sports team – the Chicago Bears. Despite their lack of success I am still a loyal fan. Here’s hoping to better seasons in the future!

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I am Laney, a junior majoring in Child Studies and minoring in Art. I love drawing, listening to audiobooks, and talking loudly over movies and TV. I can be a bit of an escapist but usually in, like, a Jane Austen way, so hopefully this class will take my escapism to new frontiers, haha!

Here is my VSCO, which I use as a lil online scrapbook.

Me and my twin sister, Bri, a few weeks ago
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Hello Everyone!

A Picture of Me!

My name is McKenzie King! I am 18 years old and a Freshman at Vanderbilt University! I am currently in my second semester and taking a lecture all about our Solar System. This blog is a project that my Professor is encouraging all of us to do to further our knowledge of Astronomical topics, and she is running one alongside us! You can find her blog here. For me, I want to learn more about the different moons in our solar system, so I’m going to dedicate this whole blog to furthering my knowledge of them! I hope you will follow me on this journey and learn something new as the weeks go on!

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Hello! I am Sheila Chau. I’m a sophomore majoring in English and Political Science. I love to read, paint, and write. I track my reading and thoughts on books on a website called GoodReads.

The image above is a little collage I made. It’s a collage of me and other things I love. the picture on the left is of my dog, Mocha, and my bookshelf back home. The picture on the right is of my view outside my dorm when it was snowing. There’s a pile of books I want to read soon and my sketchbook is right next to it. In the middle, it’s me at the Nashville Farmer’s Market. I love flowers! One day, I’ll have a garden of my own, but right now, I don’t have the capabilities of maintaining a garden. I tend to accidentally kill off plants that come into my ownership.

A collage with photos by me
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Starting Up

By me

This picture is from when I visited my sister abroad over Thanksgiving Break. I am Quint Gfroerer, I’m from Atlanta, GA, and I am a junior majoring in neuroscience and minoring in astronomy.

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Hello World!

Hello! This is my first post! My name is Jack and this is a picture of me at Cheekwood next to a very frightening bunny statue.

Jack at Cheekwood (taken by me)
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About Me

Image from Malcolm Macgregor

My name is Charles Littleton. I am from Nashville, Tennessee. This picture shows the beautiful Nashville skyline. This is my introductory blog for Astro 2110.

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Brian’s Intro Blog


This is my first introductory blog for ASTR 2110. The image above is a picture taken by Hubble of the Pillars of Creation, a structure in the Eagle Nebula. I chose this image because I really like the colors and it is one of my favorite space pictures. You can read more about the pillars of creation here.

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The Future of Humanity

SpaceX on Mars

I think this picture represents me well because I have a big passion for space, specifically interplanetary travel. Images like this inspire me because I believe the future of humanity resides on multiple planets, and I want to be a part of the engineering behind it.

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About me

National Air and Space Museum (USA Today)

This is the main hangar of the National Air and Space Museum. I used to love coming here as a kid, and it is one of the reasons that I become fascinated with outer space.

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