Tag Archives: blog10

Astronomy Past and Future

After completing this course in Astronomy I think the two most lasting impressions I have are the sheer magnitude of the Universe, and a better understanding of the importance of Astronomy. So much has been discovered and there is so much more left to be discovered and understood. It is through this process of discovery […] Continue reading

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Expansion of the Mind and Universe

The size of the Earth compared to the scale of the universe is very humbling. There is so much that we do not know, and there is still so much […] Continue reading

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Semester in Review

Final Thoughts… I have always been interested in space and the subject of astronomy. This is mainly because I was a huge Star Wars fan when I was younger and always hoped to see a ufo flying through the sky. However, after learning more on this subject I am truly amazed by all that our universe […] Continue reading

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What excites me? Mars!!

Well, it’s been a great semester. I loved astronomy going into this class, and I love it even more going out. It definitely made me realize that planetary science is my favorite part of astronomy, and that’s why I’m pursuing the minor! However, I wanted to make this post about what excites me regarding the […] Continue reading

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The Universe

One thing I have been struck by this semester is how full the universe is, but at the same time, how empty it is.  When we look up at the night sky, even in ideal conditions with excellent eyesight, we would see at most a few thousand stars.  That gives you some perspective when I tell […] Continue reading

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Benfits of Astronomy on Earth

            Astronomical research does not just benefit the limited field of astronomy; rather it serves to improve many other fields of study. From the first missions into orbit to current research of interstellar travel, astronomy has benefited our standard of living here on Earth. Many people have heard that memory foam was invented by […] Continue reading

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Earth-like planet discovered

Very recently, on April 23 of this year, astronomer Eric Agol has discovered a very Earth-like planet 1,200 light years away. Through a very complex algorithm Agol had created, he had found this planet orbiting a star in a habitable … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Semester of Astronomy Class, A Year of Astronomy Photos

This video is a compilation of photos taken throughout 2012 from Chumack Observatories taken by astrophotographer John Chumack.  Watching this video and seeing all of these photos really gives me a perspective on how much I’ve learned this semester.  Before … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Constant Search For Life

In this past week, three new planets have been discovered in Kepler’s habitable zone. These three planets are announced to potentially host life. This may or may not be true, but the thought of finding planets slightly larger than earth that are in the Goldilocks zone is exciting in itself. For me, this is what […] Continue reading

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Space junk

After 60 years of sending things into space, the number of satellites, rocket stages, and pieces of debris floating around the Earth is gigantic.  As that number continues to increase, the number of collisions between these objects is expected to increase too. We don’t think much about space junk. I guess we just hear about […] Continue reading

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